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The summer breeze blowing the tufts of their strands. Watching the golden glowing hair blown to her direction along with the slight ray of the sunlight flashing between the heavy clouds kissing his skin, she found herself lifting her camera unintentionally right to the front of his face to take a photograph.

He was stunned that it wasn't just her name he received with zero reluctance but had the chance to witness her behavior which was astonishing.

The male couldn't help but to burst out into a small laughter that broke each and every light noise on the background.

She was checking the picture she just took and allowed him to take his time to laugh as much as he wanted and soon when she heard him exhaling audibly, under the tiny giggles signaling his laughter was dying down, nothing drew her attention to lift her gaze to look at him besides what he left his throat.

"I get it, you're fascinated but you can't do that, Eve. You owe me." He spoke with the corner of his pair that just lifted, forming a smirk in apparent confidence.

The fact that he casually called you by your name.

"I apologized." Eve nonchalantly responded before she returned her gaze back into the device above her lap.

"So you're saying this is enough after you just took a picture right after apologizing? It doesn't pay." Despite how the words themselves sounded furious and negative, his tone was rather quite tranquil and slow.

She couldn't help but to heave a sigh before turning to face the man once again before she replied. "Then? Should I tear the slides?"

As if she would if he said yes.

"No, it would be a waste." His confidence once again slapped. Quite narcissistic of him.

Since he was seated facing her, he straightened his posture to relax his back, lolling his head to the back side before sighing. "Let's meet here tomorrow but earlier, and get me coffee."

She was in disbelief with what he just blurted and with a frown, she responded. "Using my money? I just took pictures.." her volume was low and it eventually faded at the end of her phrase.

"Coffee isn't expensive, don't play poor. Besides, you pay models don't you?" He now balanced his volume with Eve's when he spoke and despite the words they chose to use in their conversation, they were ice cold and unbothered in the expression, which made the atmosphere around them even intriguing.

Where exactly is he trying to get?

"I'm not rich." She opposed and he did nothing besides clicking his tongue. He stood off the bench and faced the female. After he took a single step backwards, he pointed. "This isn't my problem."

He took a spin right away and proceeded to walk off. She called him out with a 'hey' which has successfully entered his eardrums. He turned around and it was when she gave him her question. "What's your name?" She shouted.

A cheeky smile seemed to appear from distance that made his eyes to narrow more than it was due to the reflection of the sun, he shouted back.



"You deserve it." Solar responded to her sister when she begun to complain about the man that caught her creeping on him when she called him a creepy stranger.

"I sure did see a dream indicating that my life will be different from where it is now but I thought starting university next week will be it." She paused before continuing with a low volume. "I didn't expect I'll start an issue with an opposite sex."

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