fifteen - aspen, colorado.

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My family decided to spent Christmas in Aspen. I hate that idea, because I'm the only member of our family, who can't ski and also who hate ski. I was planning to stay in my hotel room and watched everything through the window, but It didn't happen.

Now I was standing on the top of the hill and looking at my cousin, which was waving at me.

"C'mon, Aspen!" she yelled. Yes, my goddamn name is Aspen.

"No!" i yelled back, shaking my head. This hill is huge, I can't make it. I screamed when my brother Josh literally pushed me from this hill. I couldn't control my legs, so I was going to straight to the treets.

"Oh my god, move!" i yelled at some couple, which were standing next to the treets. Thank god I crashed the big mound of snow, instead of tree trunk.

"Fucking snow, fucking ski," i was mumbling, when I took off ski from my legs and stood up from the mound.

"Let's try it again," i heard my brother's voice behind me.

"You know what? Fuck you, Josh!" i said with anger. It took a half hour to get back to resort. I was shaking and my whole body was wet. I decided to buy a tea, before I will go to my room and stays in it forever.

"One green tea, please," i said to waitress and sat to the bar. I took off my winter hat and unzipped my anorak.

"Hey, you have a branch in your hair," i heard a male voice next to me. I touched my hair with my hand and pulled out a branch from my hair. Then I look at him and I almost fell from the chair, he looks so attractive.

"Thanks, this vacation is nightmare," i breathed out and thank waitress for my tea.

"C'mon, it's fun here," he smiled with his teeth and I almost lost my pants, "I'm Jack,"

"You won't believe, but my name is Aspen," i chuckled.

"Damn, that's a cool name," he said.

"My name is Aspen and I can't ski," i laughed and mixed my tea with a spoon.

"I'm actually very good at ski, I can teach you how to be a pro," he chuckled. I hate ski, but I wanted to spent more time with him.

"That's sounds-" i was interrupted.

"Baby?" i heard a voice behind us. We sat a little farther of each other, so that wasn't weird. I turned my head and saw a brunette girl with a body of model. Of fucking course, he has a girlfriend.

"Let's order a meal," she said and grabbed his hand.

"Sure," he stood up, smiled at me and went out of the restaurant.

I breathed out, took my tea and went to upstair.

Merry christmas babes♥️
Comment for part 2.

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