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"not fair dude, yours looks so much fancier"


"ow, what the hell I didn't even ask for this. Plus, this one looks like it hurts more than yours"

"hmm maybe, even so, it's still not fair, hmph" taehyung pouted, going back to tracing Jimins tattoo.

"I have to go to the store for new work outfits, wanna come with?" Jimin asked taehyung.

"yea, oh, can I invite yoongi? please?" taehyung begged.

"fine, but he can't bring that jerk along, that yoonji guy" jimin told taehyung, getting up to put his shoes.

"his name is yoongi and I'll tell kook, but no promises" taehyung stated.

"yea yea whatever"


at the mall

"okay, so I need more thigh highs and some more panties, which color looks best on me?"jimin asked, who he thought was taehyung

"I personally think baby blue goes well with your very light skin color, but red is also an option" the male who was "taehyung," said in jimin ear

"taehyung your voice sounds- yoongi, what the..wheres taehyung?" jimin asked, mad that taehyung was gone and startled that yoongi was here

"I saw him leave with kook a couple of minutes ago, I think its best we don't interrupt them if you know what I mean" yoongi smirked

"yea...I know what you mean" jimin said, lips going in a line



"so you're just going to ignore me?" yoongi scoffed

"yes, am I obligated to talk to you? no"

"Well, you're mean" yoongi rolled his eyes, still waiting for the boy to acknowledge him.


"Anyways, hows your tattoo? Have you scraped it?" Yoongi asked, taking a look at jimins tat

"No, also, is it okay for me to take the bandage off? Taehyung already messed it up" jimin told yoongi

"Sure, it shouldn't hurt anymore," yoongi told him, touching the clothes Jimin put on his shoulder. "Get blue, it's a pretty color," yoongi said, holding up a pair of panties near jimins pale skin.

"So get red? Okay." Jimin smiles, throwing the blue underwear on a nearby stand.

"So disobedient, I like it" yoongi purred in jimins ear

"Ugh fuck off" jimin whined, throwing his bandage in yoongis face

"That was so disgusting. I'm going to find kook" yoongi rolled his eyes, whipping off his face while walking out the store.

jimin was finally calm again, not having one of his fans, pick his outfit. that was something he had total control in.

picking the red set of panties and high socks, he looked back over to the light blue ones. 'I'll only get them because maybe everyone would like them' Jimin had to remind himself it wasn't for the yoongi guy.

after jimin had paid for his garments, he felt like someone was watching him. He waited at the front of the store, a guard very much present. he did not want to leave the store, a pair of eyes still lingering on him.

'Fuck'' he thought

pulling out his phone, he dialed taehyungs number.

silently waiting for him to pick up. he never did.

this is bad. he worked at a strip club, men and women see his most vulnerable parts almost every other day, there's no doubt he's picked up..admirers.

he didn't have jungkooks number, and he knew no one else would come all the way to the mall to escort him somewhere

'fuck fuck' jimins new favorite word.

slowly turning around, had almost made eye contact with who was staring.

he couldn't just stay there and wait for taehyung, the man behind the black face mask would know he's been spotted.

'maybe, maybe the yoongi guy is still here. he couldn't have gone far' Quickly stepping out of the store, he walked fast. if this wasn't a mall you'd think he's trying to catch a bus.

where is he...

jimin stopped, maybe he was just being paranoid, he looked around, seeing a glimpse of the man that was at the store, he acted as if he was on his phone. a couple of steps behind jimin.

damn it jimin thought as he turned around. there's an art supply store two stores down. maybe he'd be in there.

jimin went with his gut feeling, walking straight to the art store. he quickly went to the sketchbook section, yoongi was an artist after all. he had to sketch his ideas on some type of paper.

jimin turned to the aisle and has never been more happy to see a short pale guy in his life.

"baby!" jimin shouted, a smile on his face, running to hug yoongi as his life depended on him. which in this situation, it did.

"baby I thought I lost you. I even got the blue set you told me to" Jimin smiled cupping yoongis face while hugging him. he inched closer to his ear and whispered "don't be fooled jerk, if you look, there's a man watching" jimin said quickly, putting his head back in yoongis neck. yoongi looked around and indeed did see a guy staring...hard.

"awe, how about we leave now, you brought the color I wanted" yoongi cooed, taking jimins hand while they both walked out. yoongi not forgetting to bump hard into jimins admirer.


"you can let go asshole, we're in the car now" jimin huffed, yoongis hand still interlocked with his.

yoongi pouted, going to whisper in jimins ear "why baby? your hands are so small and cute, imagine how they'll look around my cock. so pretty, you going up and down like a good boy, am I right?" yoongi taunted, lips gazing over jimins ear. jimin felt hot for a second.

a second.

"yea asshole, such a good boy. just drive me to your crackhead shop" jimin rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"Whatever you say, prince" yoongi smirked, pulling off.

it concerned him that he still felt a little affected. but he felt more concerned when he made eye contact with the same guy from earlier.


Not proof read😓

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