#16: My Friend Called After She Passed Away

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True story. My best friend died of cancer back in 2002 – We were incredibly close in every way and we spent the majority of our free time together. Almost a year after she died, I was in my apartment sleeping and my phone rang around 3Am – I had one of those Sony Erricson T610. I was very groggy and picked up the phone from my nightstand and looked at it – I saw it was my friend’s number. I immediately became alert and awake and answered the phone very curious. I said hello a few times but all I could hear was very loud static for about 30 seconds. Eventually the call ended. At this point I was freaking out and called the number back only to get an automated recoding that this number was out of service. I then called her Mother’s house to see if possibly her older Sister may have had my friends old phone and might have called me by accident, but there was no answer at my friends Mother’s home. Come to find out the remaining family was away in Miami. After they came home a few days later, I took the phone to them and showed them the call log and they were in disbelief. They went to my friend’s room and got the phone out of the drawer where it had been sitting for months.. Battery stone cold dead.

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