#30: I Saw A Black Shadow From My Car

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I was on a college ghost hunt with a guy name Chris Fleming. Cool dude, we did all the normal college ghost hunt stuff walking to supposedly haunted dorms and experiencing some cool stuff, but nothing crazy. The city we where in had this special place called the Ghost Trestle. It was basically a Railroad bridge in the middle of a corn field that had a dirt road underneath it. Anyways during the ghost hunt with this guy who was actually featured on Ghost Adventures, we told him about this place. He was pumped and rushed through the rest of the college ghost hunt. Him and his assistant and a few of my friends took two cars with all his equipment to this ghost trestle. When we got there a train was coming so he interviewed us on camera to tell the story about this place.

Back a long time ago there was a farm house (Still there but rebuilt.) And a farmer, his Wife, and Son escaped a fire in the house. Also on fire was the horse stables. The farmer ran in to try and rescue the horsed before they succumbed to the fire while the Wife and Son went to wave down a train that was passing by. The story ends with the farmer dying in the stable fire and as the Wife and child were waving down the train they were struck and killed. To this day if you park your car under the bridge while a train crossed you above its suppose to open up another dimensional world to be able to communicate.

Well we show up and of course to our luck there is a train coming. We all freaked out and got pumped while the Medium Chris Fleming attempted to communicate. We were all taking pictures and began to experience weird technological failures. My camera which was my own began flashing and taking multiple pictures. same thing was occurring with our disposable camera Chris Flemings assistant had.

At one point we began to see stuff mostly out of the corner of our eyes, and Chris Attempted to communicate, but what ever spirit was there seemed more intimidated. He (Chris.) Believed it to be the spirit of the little boy. We would every now and then see a figure poking its head out from behind a concrete wall under the tracks. It seemed like it was playing hide and seek.

I can honestly say that I was young and thought this stuff was hoax and just fun for college kids to pretend. Until this night when we had a real professional experience the same thing we all did.

Fast forward to a year or two after this event. I came to this same place for the first time since the night we went with Chris Flemming. This time it was just me and my gf. I parked under the bridge turned off the car and lights and took the key out of the ignition. We were joking together about how we were getting to old for this stuff. And when I looked in the rear view mirror I saw a black shadow flash by the rear window of my car follow by some noises that sounds like someone running towards my car. My heart never raced so fast to put my key into the ignition and peel out and get out of there. Whatever, it was didn’t seem like it wanted us there and I have yet to drive under or by the bridge since.

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