#29: The Window Opened On Its Own

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I was a Junior in college and was living in a dorm which had a reputation for being haunted. Of course the RAʼs spread this around and we had a fun time scaring ourselves for the first month or so of school. The floors which had the greatest reputation for being haunted were the 2nd and 5th floors. My room was on the 5th.

I lived on the international floor, even though I myself was not international, so my roommate was from Tokyo. In this dorm, each floor alternated a single, a bathroom and a double, so three people would share a bathroom. This setup was called a suite and the person who lived in the single (Or the double, if you were in the single.) was your suitemate. My suitemate was from Cairo. Really fun ladies, it was a great year.

So I come home at about midnight after a long night of chatting online, and my roommate has the curtain shut between our halves of the room. She hears me walk in and says, “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here! While I was in the bathroom, the door opened by itself!”

Now, I enjoy a mystery as much as anyone, but I like to be practical about things so naturally I think there’s a rational explanation. I walk into the bathroom. The curtain over the bathroom is drawn closed, so I peek under it. Sure enough, the window is open about an inch. I figure it must’ve been a draft.

I walk back out into the room and tell my roommate, “Well, the windows’s open about an inch, so it probably just blew the door open.” My roommate is greatly relieved and says something to the effect of, “Phew! I’m so glad to hear that!”

Total time transpired about 20 seconds.

I turn around and go back into the bathroom so I can take out my contacts and brush my teeth… And stop dead in my tracks. The curtain, which had previously been closed, was now open. But it wasn’t drawn open, like someone would do to see out the window, but rolled to each side, like one would roll up a newspaper. Just as if someone had been sitting in the window.

I looked at that for about 30 seconds. Turned out the light. Walked back out. Went to bed, contacts and all.

The next morning, it took me a few minutes to unroll each curtain and flatten it out so it would lay flat again.

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