#23: She Had Marks Across Her Neck

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My Brother once lived in a flat in down town Mt. Clemens, MI. The Clem was known to be a hotspot for baths back in the depression era and was booming with activity. Nowadays it has some run-down parts, this is where my brother rented his flat. It was a giant old raggedy house which was now separated into multiple odd apartments. Anyways, long story short, he always admitted to odd experiences, cupboard doors opening up, things missing, but one peculiar oddity was that he was always missing boxers/underwear from his drawer. He admitted that he thought his house was haunted and that the ghost had a crush on him. Never anything violent or disturbing, just odd things.

Later on he starts dating his future ex-wife. She starts coming around and he notices that the oddities begin to increase. New oddities began to occur, his girlfriend would always find her shoes (Which were left on a mat inside the apartment.) Outside the door on the patio in the morning. She’d always comment to my Brother to stop putting her shoes outside, he had an idea of why but didn’t want to frighten her… Besides, it wasn’t hurting anyone right?

Well, things started getting worse, he comes home from work and his girlfriend was staying there while he was gone, claims that the stove burner kept lighting itself, she’d walk into the kitchen and it would be lit, she’d turn it off and shortly later it’d be lit again. Then, one night my brother wakes up in the middle of the night and sees his girlfriend sitting at the end of the bed, not just sees but feels her near his feet, staring at him. He calls out for her to come back to bed, she doesn’t respond so he calls out louder telling her to come to bed and asking what’s wrong? His girlfriend then asks what he’s doing, he turns and she’s sleeping next to him, he turns back, no one is at the end of the bed. Now, he’s freaked out but doesn’t want to scare his girlfriend from coming over his place.

A few nights later, they’re both sleeping and he wakes up to his girlfriend screaming. He looks over and she’s sleeping but thrashing around holding onto her neck. He doesn’t see anything so he starts yelling and shaking her to wake her up, after a few shakes she wakes up crying and terrified. She starts telling my brother about how real her dream felt that a woman was strangling her telling her to get out, that she doesn’t belong there and to leave her man alone. Her neck had red marks on it, possibly from herself trying to ‘defend herself’ but they believed it to be from something else. My brother then comes clean with her, the decide to do some research and find out that the address that they live in was an old brothel back in the day that the rich bathers used to stay in. My Brother lived in that house for a few more weeks before he could locate a new place, she never came back to stay the night though, and he never experienced anything aggressive while there. Still, kinda messed up though. I know my Brother and I can tell when he’s lying, this was legit and when she talked about it, you could see how shaken up she was.

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