#20: I Saw An Extraterrestrial Creature

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In my old house, I would be sitting on my computer, listening to music on my Ipod while playing WoW. Periodically, at random times. The screen would flicker and my Ipod’s volume would adjust either up or down. I never thought anything of this, until it continued to do so only in that house. Eventually I just said “Whatever, if it likes the song it likes the song.”

However, inside this house I had constant issues. One of which, would be my sleeping in bed/living room depending on the night and waking up to a low grumbling sound… Feeling fear strike my heart and listening to the beat of my now panicked state… I would try and move, to wake up and see what is happening. I couldn’t. Not even my finger tips would move… Completely conscious and able to see silhouettes… I hear/see my cat hiss and I can feel myself being moved as light shines over my eyes and I fall asleep again. This particular case, I remember waking up and seeing a man standing on this 100 feet tree in my back yard. Real tall and slender this guy. I muster up as much strength as I can, raise my hand up and give this guy the finger. After which, I immediately fall back asleep with a thud. I hear my back door open (On the second floor.) and my dogs start barking/whining from the down stairs… (I was 16 and 250 lbs, no one was moving me anywhere… Realistically speaking of course.) Anyways, to this day. I swear that thing was an ET. Because I saw it multiple times throughout my life. Once standing in the kitchen window, which was 8 feet off the ground. That particular night, and in the first house I ever lived. I used to see him in my bedroom window and he would talk to me. Scariest thing I have experience. Ended when I moved out of the last house. I am now 21.

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