P1 C1: Unlucky

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I woke up with a sting of pain on my stomach and everywhere. Everything is so painful.

I tried standing with my hand on the bedside table, but the pain causes me to fall. I groaned as my bruises landed on the carpet. I tried once again and finally, I succeded and tried to regain my balance.

My room is such a total mess. The bed sheets were misplaced, there are things that fell on the ground, disarranged books and clothes, and a blood-stained carpet where I found myself earlier.

I went to my own small bathroom to wash myself because I looked totally messed up. I mean, I'm always messed up. I tried to recall what happened yesterday.

There was a party held for our new released album and we were drinking. I accidentally mentioned about them mistreating me and they got mad. When we got home, I got beaten up and ended up here.

My members are all the villains in my story. They make me suffer. They beat me almost to death. They mistreat me off-cam. They hate me so much that they want me dead. But, even though they treat me like this, I still consider them as friends.

I am the most unlucky person. People around me hates me. My mother flew far away from me. Maybe she didn't even know about my existence anymore. My dad is a drug addict, selling drugs here, selling drugs there. My brother is with my mom. Unlucky right?

My members started mistreating me since I showed out I'm gay. They became furious about it and this started. This got worse when I got more attention than them. Since I am a stupid kind person, I didn't tell our manager about this. I'll just let them figure it out.

I even tried hurting myself. My wrist have few cuts. But, this didn't helped at all. But I'm amazed that my wiunds and bruises heal really fast.

I carried my own first aid kit and treated myself with alcohols, plasters and ice packs. I winced as I applied the alcohol but proceeded anyway. I got used to pain.

After, I took a bath and get dressed since we will have a presscon at three and it was already one.

I left my room when I found a decent clothes to wear. I immediately saw Jin leaning by the staicase, glaring. Other members were busy to see me here, except him. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and exclaimed,

"Hey fag! Don't you dare mention about this at the presscon or else this punch will be landing to your ugly face later! Do you understand?!"

I looked at him with a blank expression. Do I have to be scared now?

"Who are you to threaten me?! Of course I can say them about this?! Geez, even my rights is taken!? For fuck's sake! Who are you to take my rights? Stop acting like a police when you are really the criminal! More like a devil!" I exclaimed at him. The others noticed us and went closer.

Jin's face turned red by rage and was about to throw a punch at my face, but stopped by an almighty Jungkook.

"You proved yourself that you're a devil! Good job! You are really a devil!" I laughed an annoying laugh which made him even mad.

"Stop Jin-hyung! If you beat him again, there would be bruises visible again! Let's just go to the van." Jungkook warned. Jin just nodded and glared at me, the other members as well.

I followed behind them to sit inside the van. I chose to seat at the very back since there is a spot available, rather than sitting with other spot. I found Yoongi on that seat and I just sat too far from him. I ignored him and watched the buildings that passed by.

The whole car ride was so silent. Usually, they would talk and laugh, but now, they are quiet as hell.


The presscon was done. I didn't mention about the mistreating thing because I was in my imagination. I bet some fans found me silent today, but I don't really care. This life is killing me.

After we arrived at our dorm, I immediately ran to my room to escape from them and to sleep peacefully. I dozed off quickly just after a few minutes after I lay down.

I got a few minutes of good sleep when someone barged inside.

"WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKER! HERE'S YOUR FOOD AND DON'T COMPLAIN TO US, YOU DESERVE IT!"I recognized Hoseok's voice. He then poured the food that looked expired to me. He laughed and went out. Fucking idiots.

I had no choice but to clean the mess on me and my bed. I found out it was really expired. I put my sheets at my laundry, also my clothes. I then changed myself after.

After that, I went to my the end of mt closet. I opened a trapdoor which leads outside. This is the only way for me to go out since they wouldn't let me go.

I quickly ran to a dark alleyway to let myself rest for a minute to catch my breath. I then continued running to a local convenience store.

I entered inside then went around, searching for a good food to eat. Ramen would be nice. I thought.

I grabbed two cups of it and also got an original flavor of pringles, a doritos, a bacon sandwich, two cans of Coke, and a box ice cream. Yes, I am a really big eater. I also thought about watching a movie at the dorm later so I bought a lot of snacks.

I paid at the cashier who looked at me suspiciously, but he shrugged his thought off.

I got out and saw the park I always go before. It was already quarter past nine and there are still few people here.

I sat at a bench nearby and breathed in some fresh air. Then someone poked me from my left.

Shocked, I almost screamed and almost dropped the things I bought. Fuck this man!

I loojed at him. He was wearing a mask and was wearing an all black hoodie and pants.

He then handed me a McDonald's chicken nugget and left. What the heck?

Beside the box, there was a yellow sticky note.


Eat well!


I wrinkled my forehead because of confusion. Why is there numbers in the letter? Who is L? Why is he giving me food? Was it just a fan? Yeah, maybe just a fan. I shrugged it off and went back to the dorm.


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