Powers and Weaknesses

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Aurora Aphrodite Athena Swan

Aurora can do anything with the Elements.

Water: she can control the ocean with just one thought make it rain and it clear, tsunamis, floods, can make the human body dehydrated with just one look or a hand movement. Anything with water. She can breathe underwater also can create underwater bubbles so that humans can breathe underwater as well.

Fire: Same as with the water but can heat up anything and do anything with fire and is immune to it so she cant burn but she does run a lot of high temperature than others an average of 108 on a good day. 

Earth: She can command the earth do amazing things, she can talk to plants and animals, like the rest, she can do anything with the earth.

Air: Air is something different it more dangerous air surrounds everything it's the things that we breathe and just with a movement it can be taken away.

Telekinesis: It is more powerful than any of her other powers she just has to learn more about them before they get to a godly like power.

Aurora's blood does not appeal to vampires, No vampire abilities are able to work on her.
She is really powerful as a human but will become more powerful when or if she turns.

While being powerful Athena is still human, she still will get hurt with human things, like bullet wounds, bloodless, poison, and other things like that. The only thing that cannot harm is are Water, Fire.

When she becomes a vampire her only weakness is losing her heart. While a typical cold one has to lose their head and then set on fire. that would not work on Aurora because she is immune to fire so the only way she could die is to take her heart and crush it to dust. Her heart is almost impossible to get to but with enough force from an extremely powerful being like God or Amara. 

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