Chapter 1- Finding Out

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A/N This story switches POV's for this book the POV's are Sienna, Jonathan,and Ember. AKA The Brain, The Muscle, and The Leader. ❤️Enjoy❤️

Sienna's POV

I wake up to Rosita(our resident maid and helper) shaking me awake. This surprises me only because it's a Saturday. I get to sleep in on Saturdays because I am up late studying all the time.

"Wake up, Brainchild!" Rosita says in her English accent. I groan in return. "Come on, it's important! Mayor Sanderson is here and she wants to see you." I get up after she says that. I begin to make my way to get dressed when she grabs my arm.

"There is no time,"she says anxiously " to change. She said it was urgent!" I look down at myself. I slept in pastel blue sweatpants and a slightly cropped t-shirt matching the sweatpants.

"But-I" I start.

"No," she interrupts "this is very important."

"Fine." I say as she pushes me out of my room and towards the stairs. As I look into the living room I see Rosita was right. Mayer Sanderson was sitting on our couch. Oh my goodness, I think, Mayor Sanderson is in my house! As I walk in she notices me.

"Hello, Ms Goldman," she says calmly "please sit down." It was odd to be invited to sit down in my on house, but I sat down nonetheless. I sat on the couch across from her.

"So, Mayor Sanderson," I say awkwardly "you wanted to see me?"

"Oh yes. So Ms. Goldman, I have something to propose," she says with her eerie, calm voice. "So as you know a war is approaching." Yes, I knew. Everyone was talking about the war that was approaching. The war that had everyone in danger. "The government had an idea to send the nations most talented teenagers back to the past to stop this was. You are one of those teenagers." Oh my freaking god! I was one of the chosen teenagers. It was like in my fantasy novels. "You were chosen to be the Brain of the operation. The other children are William Goodfield," Okay, I could work with him. He was a lot older than me but seemed okay. "Addy Green," she seemed nice too. "Daniel Chang," Him too. Things seemed to be working out. "Ember Void," Wow. She was in collage. She did say teenagers though. "Riliee Scott," The school flirt. Wonder what she was contributing. "And Jonathan Castor." Oh goodness, I think, out of all people.

You see, Jonathan was my crush. He was virtually everyone's crush. I still remember that day. The day I saved him. I don't this he was expecting me to do that. Or for me to do anything that followed me saving him.

"So, all of you will be traveling back in time together back to stop the conflict leading up to this war. You will start the journey today at 11:00 sharp. I will send a car to pick all of you up. You are being picked up second after Jonathan. Do you understand, Sienna?"

Yes, of course I understand. But it came out as just a nod. "Good. I will see you at eleven then." She said while getting up and walking out of the door. "Goodbye, Sienna."

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