Chapter 3

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A/n I'm going to stop naming the chapters. Just letting you know.

Ember's POV

     As I wait in my apartment for the car to arrive, I realize I should take this time and think. What angle should I go with for the other kids? I know I am going to be the oldest there. I doubt there would be any other nineteen year olds. I decide to just be myself. Myself is basically reckless, fun,smart-ish, moody, and selfless. I asked Mayor Sanderson what ages they all were. They were ages fifteen to eighteen, excluding my nineteen year old self. Sienna is the youngest and Riliee and William are the oldest.

     I wonder, I think, if they will let me give them nicknames.

     Then I realize that is a stupid question. I am about to risk my life for something I didn't even know was happening, and I'm wondering if some kids will let me give them nicknames. That is why I said smart ish.

     I see a charcoal black SUV pull up outside my shabby apartment building. Even from here I can see two people in the back of the car. It looks like they are either fighting or kissing passionately. Nope nevermind. Definitely fighting. Well, at least we aren't fighting about who the leader is going to be. I was included to be the leader. Although I like to think of it as more of Supreme Older Sister.

     I get outside and walk towards the SUV. Yep. Their fighting. Sienna and Jonathan I think the Mayor said we're getting picked up before me. "I know but why didn't you call-"  Sienna is cut short when she sees me. I get into the backseat. They are seated in the way back. 

     She smiles. "Hi," she says very friendly. "I'm Sienna. You must be Ember. This is Jonathan." The boy nods in my direction. He seems to still be angry from their fight. "We are both very happy to meet you, right Jonathan?"

     Jonathan plasters on a fake smile "Hi. Very pleased to meet you." He says sarcastically. Well, I'm sure we'll get along better later. He just seems to be in a bad mood right now.

     "Anyway," Sienna continues. "Welcome to the group! We are going to pick up Riliee, then Daniel, then William, and then lastly Addy."

As she says this I notice Jonathan is looking at her with a look. That look. I've seen that look before. The look of overwhelming love and longing. Wow. Sienna doesn't even seem to notice. Of course! I realize where I have seen these two. I saw them walking home. He was leaning on her heavily. He was the school's notorious quarterback. Must have gotten in a fight, I had thought. Well anyway, I watched them, walk home because a) collage classes were over, and b) I could tell they liked each other and I wanted to se what happened. They were on his porch. He was about to go inside as he turned back just as she was going to call him back. She kissed him. I remember. It was short, but so passionate and full of love. She pulled away first. She flashed him a small smile and ran away. At that point I had to pretend I was just walking and it was kind of weird. Her cheeks were bright red as she passed me. I expected them to be a couple, but from what I heard from my younger sister, Karly; who is in Jonathan's grade, they never became an item. I remember being disappointed. They were so cute together. Although she did tell me that he stopped going on tons of dates and flirting with everyone. I thought that maybe it was a secret or something.

From what she said before she saw me, my guess is they exchanged numbers and she told him to call. He was afraid of commitment and never did. She got mad and ignored him. Although he pretended he didn't care he really didn't want anyone else, so he lost his arrogant flirtiness. Now they both have to do this thing together and we're fighting, who started it, I bet it was Sienna. "So, yeah. That was the details the Mayor told me to tell you guys." Shoot! I must have zoned out!

"Yeah!" I said stupidly. "Yeah. Thanks!"

"No problem." She replied with a smile.

After that I nodded awkwardly and put on my headphones. Music was my way of getting away. When I broke up with Brendan? Music, well and ice cream. When my mom kicked me out of the house? Music. You get it.

After about two minutes of hushed whisper fighting in the back, we stop in front of a luxurious condominium complex. After thirty seconds a girl walks out. I'm going to guess Riliee.

"Hi!" The girl says confidently. "I'm Riliee. But most people call me Ry."

"Nobody calls you that." Jonathan says. Clearly still annoyed.

It doesn't seem to phase through her confidence. "Well," She says, with even more pep. "Not yet. New job-thingy, new identity. How about you guys? Names? Nicknames?" She looks at us expecting answers.

"Um, Ember." I say awkwardly. "I guess you could call me Em of you want."

"Nice," She says in return. "Jonathan?"

"Jonathan, and you can call me John. I don't really care."

"Nice again. How about you Sienna?" She says, still with an annoying amount of confidence.

"Sienna," She says almost as awkwardly as me. "And you can call me Si."

"Cool! Now we are all caught up!" It is at that moment I realize she took shotgun. No fair.

We all nod, not sure what else to do. I go back to listening to music and zone out. I decide I can meet everyone else there. I feel myself drifting off. "Sienna, can you wake me up when we get there?"

"Sure." She says simply.

"Thanks." I say in return.

Then I feel myself slip into unconsciousness.

[Word count- 1008 words]

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