Chapter 4

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Sienna's POV
A/n does anyone know how to "tab"(indent) officially on an iPad? Don't judge me for my tech non-expertise.

Jonathan and I are still whisper-fighting when I start laughing uncontrollably at Ember sleeping.

"What? Why are you laughing?" John says, obviously confused. Ry is looking at me weird too.

"I-It's just," I say, trying to hold in my laughter. "I- just look at Ember! We are about to go to probably the most important journey of our life, and she fell asleep!" I say still laughing. "Oh wait. I forgot. She's a collage student. She was probably up all night doing homework or something." I say finally not laughing anymore, but my face, I can still feel the red of laughter brushing my cheeks.

"What's so funny about someone sleeping?" John says, still confused. "We all sleep at some point."(a/n *looks at Wattpad users*)

"Yeah." Ry exclaims. "I don't get it. Why is that so funny?"

"Well," I say, finally feeling the redness fall from my cheeks. "I see it kind of like falling asleep before a test. We are about to go on a cool, awesome, and other stuff that Mayor Sanderson would appreciate me saying, and she just fell asleep. I wish I could do that. Be so laid back, not worrying about just taking a nap."

John and Ry share a confused look, which makes me feel uncomfortable. "Nevermind. Forget it. I'm going to wake her up though. Consider it the first Team Prank for the- wait! We need a team name!" I say excitedly.

"One," I whisper, careful not to wake her up. "Two, THREE!" At that moment I jump up, shake her awake, quickly get back to my seat, and point at Jonathan. I like Jonathan better than John. He said he didn't care, anyway. "He did it." I exclaim, feeling like a kindergartner.

"What—no-it was her!" He points at me urgently. "I swear! H-E-R! HER! On my life!"

At this Ember raises her eyebrows. He raises one right back. "Oh, no fair!" She says unexpectedly. "You can raise just one at a time! I've always wanted to do that! Can you teach me later?"

He seems surprised but eventually answers. "Uh, sure. I'll show you after we get there."

At this moment we stop at a house. It is really big, like mansion size. We see Daniel walk out with someone, who I assume is his older sister. I had absolutely no idea that he and his family were so rich. He comes to school in old jeans and a worn out band t-shirt. Huh.

He walks out, looking embarrassed. When he walks into the car, in the seat next to Ember, Ry goes through the whole nickname thing. When she gets to me I reply, "I take it back. Just call me Sienna."

"Okay. Sienna it is!" Ry says, looking at the others. "When we pick up everyone, how about we say why we were recruited. Mayor Sanderson told everyone what positions you were right?" We all nod. "Okay then. We will do that once we pick up William and Addison."

Daniel likes to be called Daniel. Jonathan changed his to Jonathan too. Ember still says you can call her Em if you want.

I am relieved that after that Jonathan and I don't fight anymore. I didn't like fighting with him. No matter how much he deserves it.

**Time Skip- William's House**

We roll up to another house, this one small but looks cozy and fun. Through the windows of the car we see William on his porch. He is hugging two small children, probably his younger siblings. Bea and Decca, I think.

Ry does the whole nickname thing once again and I zone out. Then Ember says some thing. "I think we should ditch the chauffeur. A) there isn't enough room, unless you plan on sitting on each other's laps." She looks at me and Jonathan when she says this. "And b) I brought my drivers license!" She holds up a little card with pride. "Please?" She gives us each pleasing looks.

"Fine with me." I say, almost bored. "But where does the chauffeur go?"

"Oh. Umm. He can take the bus!" She says with triumph.

"Okay. Jonathan, do you agree with this plan?"

"Yes." He says plainly.





"Will?" He told us earlier to call him Will.


"Then it's settled! Hey, uh," She struggles to read his name tag. "Liam! Can I take the wheel please?"

Liam shrugs. "Sure if you want. I don't care. I'll meet you guys there." Liam has white-blonde hair and looks t9 be in his twenties. "I needed to take a jog anyway." He sprint off. He seems nice. Odd, but nice.

Ember runs out of the car towards the drivers seat. "Wow! This car is nice. The only car I've ever driven is my brother's 2000 stick shift. This is quite an upgrade." She says excitedly. She seems jubilant to be driving. Lez go, my temporary younger sibling childs!"

Ember is confusing me. She is really nice though. And she has been through a lot. At age seven her dad was killed in a car accident. Then at age 17 her mother overdosed. After her mother died, she didn't want Foster parents, so she got an apartment. By herself. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't even imagine living by myself. Especially in two years.

After a few minutes we arrive at another house. This one is green. A beautiful emerald green. It reminds me of in The Wizard of Oz. Out comes Addison Greene. School sweetheart. Teacher's pet. Everyone loves her, but she isn't necessarily popular because she is kind of shy and quiet. Her messy ponytail is swishing as she walks down the steps toward the car. As she is walking out a woman, most likely her mom, is yelling after her. "Remember! Be safe! Call at some point!" She mutters something back that sounds like I will, I will before jumping in the backseat.

[Word Count- 1026]
A/n sorry for the bad chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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