Chapter 2- The Start

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Jonathan's POV

As Mayor Sanderson walks out of my front door what she said finally sinks in. Crap! I think to myself. I can't just leave Mom and Livia!

Livia is my younger sister. She's 11. My mom is a single parent so I have always helped her out with Livia and around-the-house things.  Livia can't help her with that stuff the way I can.

I internally argue with myself if I should tell my mom about what Mayor Sanderson said. I end up deciding she will end up knowing anyway and I might as well be the one to tell her.

I walk into her bedroom and wake her up. "Mom," I whisper urgently. "Mom!"

"What, what, what, WHAT!" She says, sounding annoyed. Then she realizes it's me and her face softens." What's up? Is something wrong?"

"No I just-I- Mayor Sanderson just came here." I stutter.

"What!?" She says. Surprise is clear in her tone.

I tell her what happened while she watches me, dumbfounded. "Oh my goodness! Jonathan you have to go get ready! She said to be ready by 11:00 sharp and it's already 10! You have to make a good impression."

I was only half listening to what she said and I could tell she noticed. "What about an impression?" I say stupidly.

She rolls her eyes a and says, "Your impression on the other members! You said Sienna was in the group too!" After that she proceeds to make kissing sounds as I blush. She is probably the only person on the entire planet who knows about my crush on Sienna. No, it's not a crush. It's much more than that. She walks out of the room after that but not before saying "Impression, Jonathan, impression."

Then another thing sinks in. Sienna. She is going to be there too. Then I get one of those cliché flashbacks that I thought only happened in movies.

——————Cliché Flashback Begins—————-

I am fighting Reid in an alley. We were fighting because we both wanted to be the football team captain and decided that whoever one this fight would get to be captain. I was loosing sorely. I was laying on the ground covered in blood. It was a miracle I wasn't passed out. As he was about to give a blow to my head that I know I wouldn't have recovered from for weeks, maybe months, I see a figure in the shadows. At the last second, I see the figure elbow Reid so hard in the back he fell to the ground beside me. I look up to see who it is. Sienna. She was looking at Reid's unconscious face with half pride and half horror. She looks at me once with a look of something I couldn't place and helps me onto my feet. "Come on!" She says kindly. "Let's get you home."

I look at her, confused. "You- your name is Sienna?"

"Yes." She says patiently. "Come on. You have to get home. I'll walk you there."

"How- how do you know where I live?" I question.

"I-uh," She blushes madly, "You live down the street." She says finally.

I smile at her blushing face. "Let's go then." I say simply. "Take me home"

She smiles back and starts to walk, me leaning against her. I hold back a wince. "Are you okay?" She asks worriedly.

"Yeah," I say in return. "I'm fine." She looks at me suspiciously, then shrugs.

"Fine." She says. "But really, it's about five blocks to our street. Are you sure your okay? We could take the subway."

"I'm fine." I say. Then I see her suspicious face. "Really. Promise." She shakes her head then starts walking down the street again me leaning against her.

"So," I say, half to break the silence half because I was curious. " What were you doing at the school this late?" It was about 5:30 now. Reid and I scheduled the fight to begin at 5:00.

She blushed and said something to quiet for me to hear. It sounded a lot like "Tutorung" but that couldn't be true. She was the smartest person at our school. I wouldn't be suprised if she was the smartest in the county. "Did you just say tutoring?!" I said incredulously. "But you're the smartest person at school!"

She blushed harder before saying "I was tutoring other people. I don't know why I still do that." She said, frowning. "All I do is try to help than they say stuff like 'nerd alert' or 'Go back to the library, they need their Queen back' like I can't hear them." She shook her head. "Enough about me. Why did you get into a planned, PLANNED, fight with Brookview High School's own notorious fighter?"

"I wanted to be captain." I said. Out loud it sounded stupid. Sienna even raised her eyebrows. "It sounds lame out loud, but it didn't when I agreed to the fight. Promise." She smiled, then turned strait ahead. Wow, I thought to myself, she's cool for a 14. Year old. Cute for 14, too. I thought against my will. I looked at her, really looked at her for the first time. She was beyond cute she was hot. Her figure was a curvy hourglass, yet somehow still modest. She had her hair in an I-don't-care ponytail. Everything about her was cute.

I could describe her in one word. Perfect.

Time Skip- they finally got to his house!

As we walk up my front steps I realize that I didn't want her to leave. We are up the stairs and as I turn around to tell her this, her lips crash into mine. We didn't have to worry about neighbors because trees lines our front lawn. I pull her closer. It feels so perfect, being with her. She parts her lips from mine. "Bye, Jonathan." Se says and hurries down the steps before I can reply.

————————Cliché Flashback Ends(Finally. Even I was getting bored.)———-
I open my eyes and realize I have probably been standing there for 10 minutes. I rush upstairs to get ready.

How did you like it? Weren't expecting that long flashback? Me neither.
As promised in my Panem High book a Haiku for ,y currently non-existent readers

Why does no one read
My beautiful stories
I worked hard, man

Sorry for the long chapter!

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