~Chapter 9~

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After Kaylee exited Danielle's trailer to shoot her last, fairly short scene of the day, Reznor Allen, also known as 'Pedro' knocked on the door and entered not long after.

"Hey, Rez! How are you?", Danielle started the conversation. "I have to go do a scene now... later, so I have to get in my clothes but... you stay here and I will come back," he said and left again.

Danielle laughed and whispered to herself: "Got the message, little dude." She'd wait in her trailer until Reznor and her talked about whatever it may be he wanted to talk about.

Now that Reznor and Kaylee had both left her trailer, Danielle slowly re-read the girls' card for Quincy multiple times. She couldn't believe this was real. Just a month ago, they were only best friends and now they were dating! It aren't just shows that have plot twists, life has too.


After about 40 minutes, Kaylee entered Danielle's trailer while whistling an unknown tune. Danielle loved how her girlfriend was always whistling, but when she looked up, she saw her wearing an odd unicorn hat.

When Kaylee noticed that her girlfriend was staring at her with a questionable look while snorting, she said: "Hot, right, babe? I found it between my clothes on my costume rack," she stated, posing in what seemed like a very uncomfortable position and finished the show off with a wink.

"Baby, you're totally crazy and I love it."


When Kaylee and Danielle got bored, it wasn't rare for them to start reading 'Hosie' fanfiction. After scrolling through the app 'WattPad', they found a story called 'Dangerous Love' by 'soulclexa'. A few chapters in, someone knocked on the door.


After Kaylee left the room to wait and stand by the door, at Reznor's command, he and Danielle started the conversation.

"What's up, T-Rex?", Danielle smiled playfully at him and patted on the free spot on the couch, where Kaylee sat just a minute ago, allowing him to sit down. He got seated comfortably when he finished hugging Danielle tightly.

"I have to tell you something," he said, in a serious-ish tone, but with a smile on his face. Danielle raised her hand slightly and dropped it on her lap immediately after: "Sure, little dude."

He came closer to Danielle and 'whispered' at a painful volume, right in her ear, like there were other people in the room who couldn't know the secret. What came out, came unexpected but it still adored the girl: "I want to marry Kaylee!"

"Really? Wow! Have you told Kaylee yet?", Danielle asked, rubbing her painful ear. "No, but I want to, if I'm not scared. But my mommy says I'm brave, so this will not be hard."

Danielle wanted to tell him that she already had somebody, that somebody being her, but she didn't want to break his little, pure heart at this age. That's why she just said: "Good luck, brave knight! I'm rooting for you."

When Reznor exited the room and stood outside the doorframe, his eyes met Kaylee's waiting ones and he automatically started smiling very widely (teeth included), making Kaylee giggle and hug him. "Have a nice evening, Rez," she said in a soft tone and winked at him, causing the little guy to run away, giggling with a blush on his cute, little cheeks.

"He doesn't whisper very softly," Kaylee giggled after joining Danielle on the couch again.


"You want to deliver the card at Quincy's hospital?", Kaylee asked. Danielle checked her phone to determine the time, to know how long the visitors were still welcome in the hospital. They only had one hour left until the visiting ended.

Forty-five minutes later, Danielle and Kaylee stood in front of Quincy's hospital door. With her right hand, Danielle held Kaylee's left one, and with her left hand, she held their 'big announcement' card.

It was dead silent in the hospital, since visiting hour ended in fifteen minutes. They would just drop this card off on the small table next to his bed, Kaylee would kiss the boy on his forehead and Danielle would do a short prayer, like they always did.

Kaylee knocked twice on the door after breathing in and out, deeply. No answer. She knocked 3 times, this time. Still nothing. Danielle squeezed her girlfriend's hand gently, to soothe her, even though she, also, noticed something wasn't quite right.

The air felt thicker. This visit wasn't the same as the other visits. Kaylee put her hand on the doorknob and slowly twisted it. When the door took it's time to open all the way, it revealed a dark hospital room with an empty bed.

Panic. Chaos. Confusion. Stress. Fear.

They searched for his nurse, Lorna. The British one, remember? They were meaning to ask her for more information on why Quincy's bed was alarmingly empty, but hadn't seen her yet. Nowhere. Now that they thought about it, they haven't seen her in a while. They hadn't had an update from the doctor, nor the nurse, nor Tinisha.

That's when Kaylee's eye fell on the bright red 'alert'-button. She seemed possessed, that's how fast she jogged, almost ran to the button. When she was about to press it, the door opened.

It was Lorna. Lorna's back, to be exact. She looked like she was dragging something into the room. The girls heard her gently whispering a string of words. When she turned around, including the unknown object, it was nothing the duo expected.

There sat Quincy, in a wheelchair, awake. He made eye contact with Danielle, first. Kaylee wished she could have captured this moment. The look on the two friends' faces was the exact same: happiness. Just pure happiness.

Quincy desperately tried to stand up to hug his best friends, but Lorna stopped him, of course. He didn't have enough power for that, just yet. Danielle and Kaylee kneeled in front of the wheelchair and held Quincy. The boy shed a tear: "Lorna told me how many times you've visited to check on me. Thank you, guys. I love you," he whispered soft words.

"We love you so much, and we have to thank you for something, too," Kaylee said and winked at Quincy. Danielle handed the boy their card and he immediately read it, in silence.

Kaylee didn't think she had ever seen him more proud. Although, if he was proud of himself or proud of his best friends was not clear.

After a while of storytelling to Quincy and Lorna, Kaylee asked: "Where were you two, though? We were so worried because your bed was empty."

"I bathed him and prepared him for the night, sweeties. He was planning on going to bed early, since it was a big and heavy day for him, today," Lorna replied after noticing how exhausted Quincy was from all this interaction.

That's when Lorna noticed what time it was, already. She nicely escorted the girls out of the hospital after letting them have an emotional goodbye with their best friend. Danielle and Kaylee left the hospital with a pleased feeling. Like a weight had been taken from their shoulders.

A peaceful night rest was all that was left to be done, and when that succeeded, too, the girls labeled this day as the most relieving one of their lives.

I am her Valentine (Danielle x Kaylee)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin