~Chapter 10~

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"They're what?!" Lulu shouted. She started pacing around inside of her trailer and got a hold of the small, golden cross charm on her also golden necklace. "Chill, Lulu. It isn't that big of a deal. You won't need to face them swallowing each other anyways! They promised me it won't be noticeable at work."

Lulu had just received the news of Kaylee and Danielle's relationship, if that wasn't clear. Simply said: she didn't like it. Not at all. In fact; she hated it, and if that wasn't clear either, then you're probably not paying much attention to this story.

'Why such a negative reaction on their relationship?', I hear you ask. It's my pleasure to tell you:

Lulu grew up in a very religious family. To them, homosexuality isn't natural. A sin, even, and that had been taught to her from an unnaturally young age. It isn't Lulu's fault of being homophobic, it's because of who raised her. About as good as everything else, she's respective, but some might say that she's too obeying when it comes to her family. They tell her what's right or wrong. Her own vision of the world doesn't matter to them.

"Look, you know I'm against it. To me, it already is a miracle that you convinced me to play Penelope in the first place, but knowing the girl I need to kiss is gay? In real life? That's just too much, Julie. You must understand that!", Lulu continued trying to prove her point. "Alright, alright, look, I understand that it must be hard... What do you want me to do?"

"I'll figure that out. Now, if you'll have me, I'd like to prepare myself for that party in the dining hall, later this afternoon."

And with that, their tense conversation was over, but sure as hell not finished.


Sadly for Lulu, it was Valentine's day, which means Kaylee and Danielle had a pretty good excuse for breaking the 'keep work and private separated' rule. Outcome: swallowing each other at work.

Jenny and Quincy were busy studying the love birds making out a couple of feet away from them. The two friends' posture was the same, but the facial expressions were opposites. Jenny looked disgusted and a bit uncomfortable, while Quincy grinned like a killer clown.

"Who would've ever thought they were so horny... ok, Kaylee, I kind of could have seen that one coming, but sex bomb Cinderella actually being addicted to Kaylee's saliva?" Quincy just nodded at Jenny's statements. "It's kind of hot," Jenny added.

Quincy looked at her, in shock: "Wait... a-are you... you too?" "Quincy, actual words please," she giggled. He whispered: "Are you g-gay t-" "No, Quincy, chill. Life's not a CW series. Not every moment has a plot twist," she laughed.

Danielle used to hate Valentine's day, since she had never really been in a relationship. She had always spent Valentine's night alone, watching romantic comedies on TV and enjoying a bag of her favorite chips. After those 'special' evenings, she used to go to bed, listening to sad love songs and trying to convince herself that love wasn't that great at all. Trying to lie to herself and saying that 'she didn't need no man'. Funny enough, this turned out to be pretty accurate, since she soon found out that she was, indeed, a lesbian.

The reason that she wasn't in a relationship ever before Kaylee wasn't because she couldn't get any. She could just snap her fingers and every boy in an area of one mile would be wrapped around them. She just didn't have any time for one. But now, with Kaylee, it was a whole different scenario. She saw her every single day at work. She was actually forced to! But obviously, she didn't mind.

Now back to the party. It started in about two hours, so Mike, one of Legacies' makeup artists, was checking off the list of needed supplies for the party.

I am her Valentine (Danielle x Kaylee)Where stories live. Discover now