~Chapter 11~

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On February fifteenth, Lauren Antariksa filmed her last scene for the series 'Legacies'.

She wouldn't be starring in any more episodes. Not in season one, not in season two, not in three and not in whatever seasons might follow. 

Luckily, Lulu was professional enough to film one last scene, to say a realistic goodbye to her character 'Penelope Park'. 


While Lulu prepared herself for filming, so did Kaylee, who woke up with the nastiest headache this morning. Probably because of Lulu screaming in her face the night before.

To get ready for Lulu and her last scene, Kaylee went to hair and makeup. After an hour of sitting in the same chair, doing nothing but thinking and staring at herself in the big mirror in front of her, she stopped by the costume designer to pick up her beautiful dress, gorgeous shoes and expensive looking jewelry. 

To finish everything off, after she put on all the pieces of costume the costume designer gave her, she went to brush her teeth. She might not really like Lulu, but she didn't want to increase their hate for each other by kissing her once more, with a filthy breath.

When she reached her trailer's small bathroom, with her hand on her forehead, the pounding of the headache coming back, she opened the small bathroom cabinet and searched for the tube of toothpaste. 

Before she could spot the tube, she noticed a small, orange container. She took it in her hands and studied it. She only understood one word on the whole label: 'Acetylsalicylic acid '. Better known as analgesic or pain-killing. 



While filming Lulu's last scene, Julie was blown away by the talent present inside of the young women in front of her. In real life, they were furious at each other, but when the camera was pointed in their direction, they controlled the flames in their eyes and made room for water; tears. Totally fake tears. This is the art of acting.

Even their last kiss looked incredibly realistic, but all the emotions were ripped apart when the final 'cut' was heard. Lulu threw a disgusted glance at Kaylee, who noticed the fist-clenching action, causing her to dart her eyes towards the floor and walk off to her girlfriend's trailer, to meet her for the first time today. This will cheer her up.


She knocked, twice, like she always did. "Come in!" , Kaylee heard. When she turned the doorknob around and tried to push the door open, it remained closed. "Babe, why is your door locked?" 


"Babe. Open up."

Still nothing. Kaylee wrenched at the doorknob, trying to twist it into submission.

"Babe this isn't funny, I need a listening ear. I heard you a minute ago, so I know you're in there, silly."

Since Danielle didn't answer anymore, Kaylee decided to ask Julie's key to Danielle's trailer, but when she finished her question towards Julie, she met confused eyes: "Danielle doesn't work today..."


"I told you, Julie! I heard her! She answered me, I swear!" Kaylee tried to convince Julie that she wasn't going nuts, while Julie kept inspecting the medium-sized space they were in. There was no one here. Not a single soul.

Kaylee texted Danielle:

-'Where are you?'

As soon as her screen went dark, a response popped up, making the phone light up again.

-'At home, why?'

She waited a few seconds before responding.

-'Girl, it's February 15th, not April 1st. Stop messing with me.'

-'What makes you think I am? Are you feeling alright? Are you still at work? I'll come and pick you up if you want me to.'

-'No, I'm alright. See you later?'

-'For sure, babe. Love you!'

                           Read at 14:21


Now that Julie left, and Kaylee stood in the middle of Danielle's trailer, alone, she couln't stop thinking about what had just happened. She heard her girlfriend. Loud and clear, in her trailer. Her mind repeated those two words she heard, over and over again: 'Come in!'

To Kaylee's annoyance, the words were becoming vague. Vague, like in unclear. Different. The two words didn't sound like they used to. Or did they, but was she only now coming to her senses? All those questions made her feel like some cranck. Like her head exploded, and everything that happened was now nothing but one big mess she could not possibly clean up.

'Are you sure those words came out of your girlfriend's mouth? You're just going crazy. You're missing her, that's why your head is making this all up.'

The voice in Kaylee's head sounded way more realistic than it used to. Like it wasn't in her head anymore. Like a duplication of her was standing right behind her, speaking her thoughts.

That's when it hit her. Kaylee got the chills. She started to sweat; this wasn't her mind. Minds don't sound this clear. It could not be her mind. Someone was standing behind her. She felt the pressence. Their breathing in her neck. She bit her lip and turned around, as fast as she could. There was no one there. She whispered:

"What the hell is going on."

I am her Valentine (Danielle x Kaylee)Where stories live. Discover now