Chapter 7

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Yasmine's POV

When I got home, I didn't say a word to Brandon. I took off my shoes and ran straight to my room. I went into the bathroom and decided to have a shower.

The warm water running down my body seemed to help me let everything go, just for a minute. The scar on my neck was burning, but the pain felt ok.
I've never told anyone about the story behind it because I've never felt confident enough around anyone.

When I got out, I checked my phone. I had a text from an unknown number and it said -

Hey babe. What you up to? Fancy doing something on Friday night? Jai xx

My stomach dropped. It made me feel sick. Why was he lying to me? He has a girlfriend for fucks sake. I didn't even reply. Of course I still like him, but it still hurts.

Jai's POV

I text Yasmine that night, but I didn't get a reply. We hadn't directly given our numbers to each other, but I asked Brandon for it.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, which is wrong because I'm dating Caitlin. But she didn't make me happy, she was just using me for popularity. Ever since I met Yasmine, I realised she's all I ever wanted. I hadn't known her long but she made me smile.

I've been wanting to finish things with Caitlin for a while now, but I've never had the chance too. I got my phone and dropped her a text. I wasn't going to finish things on the phone and it was too late to meet her now, so I invited her to go out for dinner tomorrow night.

My phone buzzed and Caitlin agreed.

The next day, I saw Yasmine. I smiled at her, but I didn't get a response back, she just walked off. I was already so nervous about tonight, but this made me feel so much worse.

I went home and got changed, ready to meet with Caitlin. I thought in my head all the things I was going to say to her, but none of them seemed right.

Sorry, not a great chapter but there's a big twist soon

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