Chapter 13

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Yasmine's POV

The blood was rushing down my arm, the fresh cuts throbbing in pain. I know this isn't the right thing to do, but it just feels so good to let everything out.

Right now, I have nothing. Of course, I have Jai and the other boys, but without my big brother, it just doesn't feel right me being here.

It was now 2am and I had just managed to stop the cuts hurting.

A few moments later, I got a text from Jai -

Jai; I know you're probably asleep right now, but I'm worried sick about you. The bed is so cold without you, I need you here. Hope you're ok baby, I'll be over in the morning. Love you loads xx

My eyes were too worn out to reply but it didn't make me fail to smile, even with the state I was in.

Next morning..

Jai's POV

It was 11am and I was outside Yasmine's front door. I was knocking and knocking but there was no answer. The curtains were still closed but it was almost the afternoon, why wouldn't she be awake?

I tried ringing her phone when she finally answered.


"Yas, it's Jai. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. What's up?"

"Im outside your house, come and let me in babe"

A couple of minutes later, Yasmine opened the door. She was wearing a long sleeved jumper, which was odd because the temperature was very high.
Her hair wasn't brushed and she had no make up on, but to me, she still looked like the most beautiful girl ever.

"I couldn't sleep last night. I was so worried about you. I don't like the idea of you being alone."

It was true, I wanted to be there for her every second, of every minute, of every hour.

I made some sandwiches for us both and we went and sat on the sofa.

We were talking, when I noticed a scar on Yasmine's neck, something I had never noticed before.

"Babe. Your neck. It's looks sore. What happened?"

Yasmine's face turned colours and put her sandwich down. I immediately felt guilty.

"I.. I don't want to talk about it.."

"You know you can tell me anything. I won't judge, that's what I'm here for."

She twined her fingers around each other until finally locking her eyes onto mine.

"I was 8 years old.. My dad was an alcoholic and had really bad anger issues. One night, him and mum had an argument, he went off on one, throwing things, hitting mum. It was horrible. Me and Brandon ran to my room, holding each other, crying."

Her eyes started to fill up with darkness. Tears rushed down her face.

"Dad was a mad smoker, you see? He would always have a cigarette in his hand. His mood just got worse and worse. We could then hear footsteps coming towards my bedroom. I had honestly never been so afraid in my life.
He slammed my bedroom door open and came over to us. He picked Brandon up and threw him across the room. He then come back to me, calling us both nasty things. After that, he put his lit cigarette to my neck. The pain was indescribable, it burnt my whole neck and has left a scare to this day.."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. My beautiful, amazing girl, was treated like that.. By her own father.

I pulled her close to me, and promised her she would never get hurt again.

Of course, I meant that. She was my life now, and I was going to treat her like royalty.


Hope you like it guys. Sorry, for not updating lately.. Love you guys. Thank you for all the views!! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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