Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: I do not know

Hearing Lin Yu YueYun called him, she answered him with a "Hmm." Sipping her tea calmly.

Lin Yu YueYun come closer to her and whisper to her ear, "Big sis are you really going back in the Academy?." He asked with a trace of worry in his voice.

Putting down her tea, Lin Yu YueXu answered him with a nod of her head. "It's time to those who drove this body away, Don't worry YueXu i'll make them pay." Though to herself. And smiled.

The moment she thought that, suddenly she feel lighted. As if a heavy rock is lifted.

Lin Yu YueYun who is beside and looking at her. Notice the smiled that appear in her big sister. He can't help but suddenly feel chilled from that smile, as he was about to ask.

"Then, let's meet again at the Academy." Xiner she said as she stood to her sit. Looking at the two sibling, and smiled as she bid her farewell and leaved.

After Xiner leaved, the Lin siblings decided to go for a stroll. Lin Yu YueXu who isn't familiar to the place, take this opportunity to know more about the place she's transmigrated.

While Lin Yu YueYun keep charging and looking in different stores, calling Lin Yu YueXu and Lin Yu Zhong to show random things.


Lin Mansion

"Grandfather, are you sure it's the best decision to YueXu?." A young man said who is standing in the middle of the study room of Lin Yu Yinjie.

The man wearing a dark clothes, a white smooth face can hide the beauty of his skin, a red lips as red as cherry, a sword like eyebrow with a black round eyes giving off the deep abyss when you look at. The contenounce can make the woman fall.

Granpa Yinjie suddenly turn to the young man, looking at him remind of his first son who died in the battlefield. He sighed, "I do not know if this is the best decision, but I know that it would be different this time."

"Grandpa, you know that YueXue was bullied in the Academy. She has been through enough." He said with the worried face in his face. Clenching his fist. Remembering the report he received when YueXu suddenly back home from the Academy. Making his heart filled with anger.

"Jian'er. I know you're worried to YueXu. But you'll know when you see her." He said as he smiled to the young man standing infront of him. He know that this young man cares mostly to YueXu. When they were kids, YueXu always followed him wherever he goes, always calling him Big brother Jian but since YueXu entered and came back from academy, she changed drastically.

That's why when they know someone try to assassinate YueXu they ran back home immediately, leaving of what they're doing. Grandpa Lin knows that Lin Yu Jian is worried about his younger cousin, who he treated as his little sister. They might not show it, but both Jian and Zhong really cares for the twin siblings, mostly YueXu.

"But grandfather - " as he was to say, a knock heard from outside interrupted him.

"Master, the young master's and the young miss came back." He reported as he bowed.

"Tell the kitchen to prepare dinner, and called the twin siblings, we will have dinner together tonight." Granpa Lin instructed as he waved his hand to the housekeeper to leave.

The housekeeper leave and go to the kitchen immediately, to follow what was intructed to him.

"Yun'er asked to go outside with YueXu." He stated looking to his grandson. "You need to go rest for now, until the dinner is ready. You rushed here, and I know you're tired."

Lin Yu Jian didn't said anything and nod his head, and leaved.


(Author's note: I was busy this past weeks, but i'll try to upload more of the chapter today if i can. Happy reading xoxo.🦊🌹

Side comment: Here comes the Family Dinner!!!)

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