free time

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Y/n pov:

Ever since Ruel and I were little, we were constantly making music. Messing around on the guitar and piano, performing little concerts for our family's and just have a good time with it. Ruel is extremely talented, and thankfully enough his talent was recognised.

There are no words to describe how incredibly proud I am of him. When Don't Tell Me was released, all I did was dance around my room listening to it. Then hearing it on the radio made me realise, he's going places. 

His first ep Ready came out, and was instantly loved. Fans still never fail to surprise me with how fast they can support something's. Ready was one of those ep's that had a lot of meaning. It was tough for him to write those songs, but I knew it would be harder to write the next one

When the time came for the Painkiller tour, the thought of him leaving became an even bigger reality. He was always in and out, but only for a few days here and there. But tour meant he would be gone, months at a time.

Ruel's like a maze. You think you have an idea, until you hit a dead end. He's very honest, but keeps to himself. I guess that's what happens when you become a celebrity. He changed a lot since fame. Good and bad changes

Good, he finally has a way of telling others how he feels, he's made an awful lot of friends, & he's been given opportunities only a dreamer could imagine

Bad, anxiety and stress = through the roof, he doesn't go out much anymore, he's always away from home which messes him up, he doesn't really talk to anyone but me (which is bad because he's lost touch with lots of school friends) etc etc

After coming home from the Painkiller tour, he had some time off before getting back in the studio. For nearly a week he didn't leave my side. If I was showering he sat outside the door to talk to me, if I went downstairs he followed right behind me holding my hand. It was cute, but I started to get worried about him.

Maybe the tour thing isn't for him.

Ruel pov:

I had always loved music and wanted to perform. Y/n is the girl in most my songs, so it was never hard to write. Having her there for advice really helped me get to where I am today.

She doesn't take credit for much, but she has an opinion on everything when it comes to my music.

Free Time was the ep she really stepped in on. Everyday I was in the studio, she was too.

- recording Free Time -

y/n: just play it back
Mark: yep one second

🎵 freedom, thought it was all that I needed, said I'd be cool with you leaving, baby I was wrong, crazy since your gone 🎵

She started humming along with it, making small changes

y/n: okay. I think with the "baby I was wrong" instead of it being one note, run it so it's "wro-o-ong"
Ruel: that could sound good
y/n: and coming into that bridge, make sure it's really strong and hearty
Mark: so just put a bit more effort in
y/n: yeah. It sounds good though

I went back in and tried it again. Not surprised, it sounded better doing it her way. God she's good. Through the glass I could see her harmonising to it for backing vocals, waiting for a chance to put on the headphones.

After a few shots, she was happy with how it sounded and thought it was ready for backing vocals. She went over a few things with Mark and went into the booth.

y/n: go from the start, I wanna try it in one take
Ruel: one take? You sure?
y/n: just play it back. Trust me

She giggled and I hit play, then record. I didn't know what to expect, but what I heard was shocking. The soft sound of "humming" echoed through the song perfectly, like it was the last piece in the puzzle. It really was.

One take, and it was done. She blows me away sometimes. She's always been talented, but after dropping out she's sky rocketed and her music completely changed. Her voice was always deep and had a lot of soul behind it, bur now its breathy and soft. It was weird to hear it change so much over the space of 3 months.

Coco came to give some advice and an important opinion. She thought it was perfect. So did I. Everyone in the studio did. Mark and y/n made a few small changes, before I almost had to drag her out to get home. I could tell she had sometime to say, I was just waiting for it.

y/n: I want to record more. And not like record or produce other people's music, like make my own
Ruel: you have the talent to do it. You just have to give it a shot

She seemed off. She wanted it, but there was something holding her back

y/n: what happens when we are both away performing, and we never see each other, and then it will get to the point where we are both so caught up in our own lives that we forget about each other...

I understood what she was trying to say buy it seemed so stupid. I just kept growing and growing and becoming more popular, and her. Well with the amount of talent she has, it wouldn't take long for her to have everything

y/n: I can't push myself to do shit that I don't want to do. I meanI want to do it but I don't want to do it knowing that somewhere along the lines of me climbing to fame, I lose you. And I don't want anything without you.

I couldn't say anything now. We were almost home. I didn't get a sentence in the whole drive. I wasn't even sure if I wanted her to take music as a career. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that she was right about the whole distancing thing

y/n: fuck me, you aren't even listening

We had just pulled in her drive way

Ruel: what do you want me to say?! Yeah fucking do it, throw away everything? You were top of all your fucking classes, go back to school kid. Get an actual job and forget about music...

(I know this took forever, but this one was really hard to word for some reason lol. Prt 2 of this should be out I'm the next few days xxx)

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