XXIV. h e a l m e

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would you trust me if i told
you i found my way out of the dark
abyss you once created; back into a universe
of glorious light and perfect symmetry?
would you believe me if i told you
i'll dismiss you forever?

it's all because of him. he's the
one who constantly revives me; heals
me; anchors me. he's the one who never fails
to manifest how effortlessly he loves me;
how earnestly he respects me; how
deeply he cherishes me.

he has these adorable,
tiny little freckles on his nose,
you see... sometimes he gazes at me
with this adoring, dimpled grin i could
easily get so hopelessly lost in. i've
never tasted anything quite as
exquisite as candied lips.

and after twilight, he holds me
so delicately close to him; a movement
that allows me to eavesdrop on his euphonic
heartbeats; rise and fall with his serene
breaths; indulge in his intoxicating
scent; savor his entire existence.

when forlorn memories
decide to come back and haunt
me; he's already there, waiting to pull
me into a wholehearted embrace; soothe me
with his mere presence; gently caress my
drowning cheeks until the anxiety
completely dissipates.

and just like that; i ignite. i
flourish like i'm strolling through a
pandemonium of scorching flames. i walk,
walk and walk until i drown in his
warmth; until i reinvent the
definition of belonging.

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