XXV. s a v e m e

51 11 6

can you
believe that my
lifeline ended up being an
azure-eyed gentleman who adores
blueberry pie and old retro movies just as
much as i do? it still feels surreal sometimes.
how he always manages to discover new ways
of putting my shattered pieces back toget-
her, and he does it all without batting
either one of his brilliant blue
eyes. i've never felt
so cared for.
whenever my mind
drifts back to you, he's there
every day to remind me exactly how
insignificant you've become. i remember
how you used to claim that no one would
ever love me – none other than the devil
himself. still, i felt the need to thank
you for ultimately destroying
me, because it guided
me towards my
redemption. it brought
me something better; a light in
the darkness; a father to my children.
i feel like it's destiny, you know? i believe
sawyer tremaine might be my atonement.
he arrived exactly at the ideal moment;
right around the time when i found
myself needing rescuing, and
i've never before been
more grateful
for us.

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