Chapter Four

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"Ben?" Rey asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she looked down at the crumpled man in front of her. Was she still dreaming or was their force bond still intact?

He looked up, his eyes red and broken, looking for all the world like a frightened boy.

"Rey," he whispered. "You're here."

She started up, and ended up next to him, though she didn't remember moving.

"What happened?" He didn't respond, just uncurled himself and sat up. "Ben?"

He looked at her, really looked at her, and all Rey wanted to do was stop him from feeling whatever it was that was making him so broken.

"You were dreaming," he said quietly, looking away. "But they weren't dreams, they were memories."

Rey could sense where this was going. Ben continued. "And I was trying to find you, because we never arranged a way to find each other and I was here by myself and so I was looking for you, but instead all I saw were your dreams."

"Oh, Ben-"

"I've done such terrible things, Rey. How am I ever supposed to forgive myself?"

"I'm so sorry," she said, knowing that he would have relived Han's death she had. This was not new to her, however, as the dream memories came to her most nights.

"It's not your fault," he said weakly.

They were quiet after that. She remained crouched by him as a million billion thoughts ran through her head. Where to even begin? How could either of them put themselves back together?

With each other, whispered the voice in her head.

Perhaps it was right.

Next to her, Ben had composed himself and stood up, making sure to surreptitiously wipe his eyes and clear his head as he did so. Rey saw him none the less.

"Where are you, Rey?"

"In my apartments," she said, playing with him only slightly, hoping it would make him smile. She was rewarded, only slightly.

"You, you're difficult, you know that," he said, and she was reminded of Poe. It would not surprise her at all if redeemed Ben Solo was very much like Poe Dameron, except maybe a little less gay. It was only a matter of time before Poe admitted that.

"Oh yes, but so are you." She realised at that moment that she was still sitting down, and lept to her feet, only to be met with a height difference not much smaller than before. "You're also very tall."

He hummed in agreement, and Rey realised how very close they were. Barely thirty centimetres separated their chests and she was looking directly up at him.

He was obnoxiously tall. Ben Solo absolutely towered over her, but Rey would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the new found proximity between them.

"Rey," he said across the distance that had to be light years away, but through their force bond was a few centimetres. "Where are you?" Ben whispered, leaning ever closer so that they were nearly touching.

"Where are you, Ben?" She said, stilling looking up at him and resisting the urge to bat her eyelashes. What was wrong with her? She was acting like a girl.

"Jakku." He shrugged his shoulders.


"Yes," he said, and through whatever power they shared, she knew he wasn't lying.

"Alright well that's not what I was expecting-what in the stars are you doing there?"

"I crashed. And now I've been abandoned in an old Star Destroyer, not unlike your own experiences on this god forsaken world."

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