Chapter Five

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She didn't turn around, didn't draw attention to herself any more than necessary, didn't even acknowledge him questioning her with her name.

"Poe," she whispered, and he stopped talking for a moment.

All eyes were on her. So much for not drawing attention to herself.

"I've got to go. Sorry." He didn't seem surprised, probably assuming that she hadn't yet caught up on sleep, or that she had some mysterious Jedi business. He nodded, clapped her on the back and resumed his argument.

Without looking at him, she walked past, motioning subtly for him to follow. He padded along just behind her through the deserted base.

"Sorry about that," she said, not looking at him. "I was in a meeting."

"Discussing how to kill me?" There was no anger in his voice.

For the first time since they connected, she looked him in the eye. "I told them you were dead."

"I was."

"You were."

"So were you."

Once again, I address the reader directly. I promise I can't make a habit of it. What Ben and Rey are experiencing is something we shall simply call raging sexual tension. Tension can, of course, be released, but our protagonists are confused and not very experienced in the paths through such emotions, so we will have to forgive their terrible attempts at flirtation. I shall now, dear reader, hand you back to Rey.

At some point during that interaction, they had stopped and Rey motioned for him to follow her into an empty room, not wanting a passer by to see her talking to air. As the blaster door closed behind them, Rey got her finger caught in the closing door. Jumping, she pulled it free, yelping in pain. She should have sensed that, shouldn't have stopped paying attention to the details around her.

"Are you alright?" asked Ben, stepping closer, seemingly concerned.

"Yes, I'll be alright, I- just caught my finger in the door." She rubbed at it, and tried to ease the redness around where she had trapped it.

"I saw." He stepped forward again. She was practically against the wall of the small storage space that had happened to be near by. She could see where this was going, and her heart beat faster. But did she do anything to stop it? No.

He was looking at her, and she knew that Ben Solo had every intention of kissing her. She wasn't actually against the idea, but something in her nature compelled her to rebel against his advances.

"Stop that," she said, only vaguely sternly.

"Stop what?" He asked, still looking at her moving towards her.

"Looking at me like that." He was right infront of her now.

"Looking at you like what?" Ben picked up her hand, the one that was injured and gently rubbed it. They barely ever touched

"Like you're- I don't know." He was leaning in now, the rebellion in Rey was swiftly fading. "Like you've missed me?"

"Missed you?" There were millimetres between them now.

"I- don't know."

One could probably say that their terrible conversation skills was because they were both intoxicated by the other's presence.

Ben's hand continued to rub hers as his other made its way to her cheekbone.

"You missed me." It was a statement. His hand curled around to the back of her neck, between her head and the wall.

"No I-" Rey was interrupted by Ben closing the minute gap between them as he pressed his lips to hers.

He tilted her head up, using the hand behind her head, before sinking it deep into her hair that was half up, flowing onto her shoulders. She leaned into the wall, to which he promptly followed, moving his mouth in completely captivating ways. She moved her free hand to his hair, relishing combing her fingers through its messiness. Her eyes were closed and she was lost in sensation, completely enthralled to him. By this point she had forgotten her own name, too busy luxuriating in the closeness of him, how it felt to have someone who had, for so long, been hated and loathed.

She had forgotten her name, but he hadn't.

"Rey," Ben whispered against her mouth, before resting his forehead against hers. She pulled him back down, catching him in a deeper kiss than before.

Something changed in the silence of their bind, and then he was gone, leaving Rey falling forward and making a bit of a fool of herself.

Brushing herself down, and tucking her hair back into a respectable fashion, before opening the blaster door that had so rudely caused such a memorable encounter.

Looking up, she came face to face with Fin and Poe, who had no doubt found her, and had heard some rather inexplicable things.

Rey had a lot of explaining to do.

OK I KNOW ITS' SHORT AND I'M SORRY. I'm also sorry for what I'm about to say.

I will be on holiday for a month now, so I won't be uploading nearly as much.

But I thought I would reward you all with a taste of what is to come. WE MADE IT IT TO 1K READS. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. I've never had a story do this well before, so thank you all, you're wonderful.

Now, quick question, what do you think about me breaking the forth wall? I like it, and I think it's funny, but I want your opinion.

Now, thanks for sticking with me thus far, I'll be back as soon as I can. I'll try to write on the plane, and whenever I get the chance, but bye for now.



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