Chapter Six

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"Uh, whatcha doing there, Rey?" Asked Poe, standing in the doorway.

"Nothing much," she said, leaning against the door. She was in a fine kettle of fish now.

"You alright?" Said Fin, and Rey winced, knowing that there was really no way out of this.

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to be really confused." Fin reached for her, and Rey allowed him to lead her from the doorway.

"Yes. I would think so... Can we go and talk somewhere. Quiet."

"Of course," said Finn, one hand behind her back as he glanced at Poe, eyes full of concern.

"Thank you, General. General."

They nodded and shared one of their looks. Rey was anticipating the day they got it over with.

They walked through the complex, passing several empty rooms that they could have used to discuss the situation; Rey was stalling. It was obvious that Fin and Poe knew this, but they said nothing, seemingly content to let her take her time.

She ended up leading them out of the base and into the forest where she had spent so many hours training.

The world was quiet here and she felt far enough away from prying eyes and ears to talk to her two closest friends.

She should have told them when it all began, and it seemed ridiculous that she never had, but then again, Rey had been rather caught up in winning a war.

"So Rey?" Asked Poe. "What's going on."

"Alright I should start from the beginning," she said, calculating the best way to explain this mess.

"When I was training with Luke on Ahch-To, I developed a bond, shall we say, with Ben. Kylo Ren. I think its partially because since he became Kylo Ren, I was the first person he physically touched, not with the force, but with his hands. I dont know, though."

"A bond? What does that even mean?" Finn and Poe already looked tense. Thankfully they ignored the latter statement which she was already regretting uttering.

"A force connection?" She cleared her throat. "Basically it means that at inconvenient times he will appear in my surrounds and I will appear in his. The world sort of goes quiet, like there's a muffler over everything. And it echos slightly. We can pass objects through the force, and loads of other stuff, we can touch-"

"Woah woah woah!" Said Poe loudly. "You're using present tense. Rey what's going on?"

"I will get to that part of the story when I get to it, Poe!" Rey shouted, before instantly feeling guilty. "I'm sorry. It's just difficult to explain."

"I'm sorry too. I'm just a bit confused as to why you didn't tell us this at the time."

"Hey, let her talk." Fin patted Poe's shoulder.

"So that was why I went to him before Crete, because we had connected and I sensed the good in him to such a strong degree I thought it wrong to leave him to the darkness. He asked me to join him and I said no, it was very upsetting actually. Anyway. You know the rest from there."

He tracked me to the forbidden desert on Pasana by ripping off the necklace that child gave me." She took a deep breath. "He told me that Palpatine is my grandfather."

"WHAT!" The boys screeched at the same time.

"Yeah I'm not exactly thrilled about it either."

"Rey. How could you not have told us that?"

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