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Hello world; like the dramatic bitch I am, thus I emerge.

I'm not going to apologise. So here you go.

I got tagged by

And I know I'll get tagged again, so I'm just doing the two generic tag things in one because sis doesn't have time for two.

Right so here you go my lovelies. Ew that was weird.

Tag Number Uno:

Ten things about me:

1. I am doing an obscene number of subjects for my final years of school.

2. I'm the oldest of a lot of siblings.

3. Apparently I'm smart, which might explain number one, but no promises.

4. I will be damned if I don't go to a drama university.

5. I got top of my class in drama for our exams.

6. I love classic novels; Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, The Great Gatsby, ect.

7. I'm consistently jealous of actors whose roles I could have played. Mostly Lyra Silvertongue.

8. I have the best friends in the world and I love them.

9. I've read this obscure fantasy series that no one has read and you should read it. It's called The Witches of Eileanan by Kate Forsyth. Please read I need to discuss.

10. I associate with all the March sisters fight me I love them all. I am like Jo and Meg and Beth and Amy. She is just as relevant and relatable as the other sisters and I will protect her until my dying day. In this essay I will...

I refuse to tag 28 people deal with it.

Oh a joke:

Where's the bin?

Hasn't bin anywhere.

I'm so funny wow. Inspirationally so.

I'm supposed to give you a story but.. If I knew what was happening with this story, I'd tell you. When I work that out I'll give you a spoiler lol.

Tag Number Duo:

Now these questions I guess

Do you like someone?

Y e s lol. I've really been out here for a year and a half liking this guy. Catch me graduating and not having had a boyfriend.

Do they like you back?

Uhhhhhh. Sometimes I think maybe. I think I might have missed my chance. But no. I don't think he's ever liked anyone. When he does, the world might explode. It's a hopeless case.

Relationship status:

"I love my liberty too much to be in any hurry to give it up"- Jo March. That's a fun way of saying I'm single. I have crushes on people, but I think I'm scared of actually being in a relationship. like... that's another thing for me to worry about and, as previously stated, I am exceedingly busy with my studies.


I have so many wonderful girlfriends I don't know where to begin. Some of them are on Wattpad; you may know of the terrifying holy trinity formed by @Is-a-Belle and @pearjam111, who I have a joint account with. We chaotically write stuff together lol.

Online Best friends:

I have only ever had two online best friends, one of which I now see in real life, but the other was the runner of a doctor who fan account. Tearsinthetardis. What a legend. I miss her. She shut down her account but she was the best. I miss you C!!!!!

Guy friends:

I have a few, they can be awfully troublesome, but I love them and forgive them for all their shortcomings.


Ok I'm gonna get got for this list; I simply cannot pick one.

Probably this lot: Percabeth, Reylo, Lyra/Will, Elizabeth and Darcy, Anne/Gilbert, Han/Leia, Feysand, Rowaelin, Dorian/Manon, Solangelo, Ineffable Husbands, Johnlock, and the Doctor and um... myself?

Last song you listened to?

I mean im listening to music right now so...

I listen mostly to songs that I hear in edits, soundtrack music and musicals,.

Today I've listened to: the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack, the Rise of Skywalker soundtrack, some random sad music and Six: The Musical.

Battery percentage:

48%. Not very interesting.


Hadestown fan art. It's a red flower with 'Wait for me" written underneath. It's beautiful.

Why I made a Wattpad account?

I wanted to publish a very cursed story that we don't talk about and I've deleted and if anyone brings it up in the comments I will find them and kill them. In a brutal and painful way that Saffy would be proud of.


It's in July... and its the same as Befesipat Cumsfewjoet's. I mean Benedict Cumberbatch... but you knew that.

And that's that. Bye.

Be With Me - Reylo (TRoS alternate ending)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora