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After class ends, I slowly put my books in my bag to wait for Harry without him noticing I'm waiting for him.

"London, what were you saying before?" Harry asks.

"I was going to ask if you're free next Saturday?"

Harry's Point of View

I'm so done with college girls. They fucking use you. I met Kelsey a few months ago at a frat party, we were both drunk and we hooked up.

I had just broken up with my girlfriend, Cass, she cheated on me. I had gotten drunk to forget about her. Of course I wanted a rebound, why not Kelsey? But she uses me too, in different ways.

Eventually, I did get over Cass. I asked Kelsey out but she rejected me, she just wanted me for causal sex, with no strings attached.

I really like her, maybe going out with London will make Kelsey jealous. Maybe then she'll finally commit to me.

London and I leave the classroom side by side. I smile and say goodbye to her. She blushes in response and then walks away, towards my sister and Louis' little sister. 

I'm pretty sure Gemma is spending the night at Lottie's house, so I think I'll go see Kelsey, I'll hook up with her and then break it off.

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