dunkin donuts addict

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The next morning I wake up around nine and brush my teeth, then throw my hair up in a messy bun.

I head downstairs into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. I then read over my script again, then I do some vocal warm-ups.

Aunt Jay comes downstairs shortly and offers me pancakes left over from yesterday, I accept so she puts a bunch in the microwave.

"What time do you girls need to be at the school?" She asks. "Noon, but I want to get there around 11:30," I reply.

She nods as Louis and Daisy walk down the stairs. They sit next to me at the table and help themselves to the warm pancakes Aunt Jay microwaved.

Gemma, Fizzy, Lottie and Phoebe wake up a little later and also have pancakes.

"I'm going to go change," I say after putting my plate in the sink. "I probably should too," Gemma says, following me upstairs.

I put on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, then wait outside the room Gemma is staying in until she's ready.

We link arms and head downstairs, where we find Lottie and Félicité who have also changed into street clothes.

"What time is it?" I ask. "10:45," Lottie answers, checking her phone. "Let's leave now and stop at Dunkin' Donuts," Gemma suggests. "We shouldn't feed into Lottie's addiction," I say. Everyone laughs except Lottie who slaps my arm.

I grab my car keys and wallet off the kitchen table and then all of us pile into my car, me behind the driver's seat and Gemma in the passenger's. I plug my phone in and turn on my "car ride" playlist.

We pull up to the drive-in part fifteen minutes later and Gemma orders a hot coffee, Lottie orders a latte and Fizzy orders a hot chocolate.

"What do you want London?" Lottie asks. "Oh, nothing," I reply. "I want to keep my voice warm." "Just get a tea then, that'll help," Gemma suggests.

"Alright. Can I have a tea with whole milk and two packets of sugar please?" I request.

"Of course. Is that all?" the lady asks. "Yes," I answer. "That comes to £12," she answers.

"Thank you," I say, before pulling up to the next window.

I hand the employee a £15 pound note and then she hands us our four drinks. I take a sip of mine and then we drive to our high school.

I pull into my parking space, then one I reserved in the beginning of the school year, and I grab my script and phone before we all head into the building.

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