dinner & disney

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The four of us walk down the hallway to the auditorium, then we set our bags down in the last row. I read over my script until it's my turn to audition. "London Wilson," Mrs. Davies reads off the list. "Good luck darling," she says as I walk past her. I smile and get up onto the stage and Mrs. Davies begins to play the piano sheet music for "A Change In Me".

There's been a change in me
A kind of moving on
Though what I used to be
I still depend upon
For now I realize
That good can come from bad
That may not make me wise
But oh
It makes me glad
And I -
I never thought I'd leave behind
My childhood dreams but I don't mind
For now I love the world I see
No change of heart
A change in me
For in my dark despair
I slowly understood
My perfect world out there
Had disappeared for good
But in it's place I feel
A truer life begin
And it's so good and real
It must come from within
And I -
I never thought I'd leave behind
My childhood dreams but I don't mind
I'm where and who I want to be
No change of heart
A change in me
No change of heart
A change in me

Everyone in the theater applauds me and I smile at my best friends in the back row.

"That was lovely darling," Mrs. Davies says. I thank her and then head back to the top row. "London that was amazing!" Lottie exclaims. "Thank you," I smile. "That high note was insane," Félicité adds.

Lottie auditions next, then Gemma and then Félicité.

We watch everyone else's auditions and then we leave the school, heading back to the Tomlinson's.

"Hello darlings! How'd the auditions go?" Aunt Jay asks as soon as we walk into the house.

"Very well," I reply, setting my car keys on the counter.

"I'm sure you all did great. When are they posting the cast list?" Aunt Jay asks.

"Tonight at seven," Gemma answers. "What time is it now?" I ask. "Quarter till two," Lottie replies, checking her phone.

"I'm going to start dinner, you girls can go watch TV or something," Aunt Jay tells us. "Okay, thank you," I reply.

"I'll send Louis down into the basement or just call down when it's ready," she adds.

We nod and then head downstairs, where Lottie turns the TV on. She puts Riverdale on and we watch three episodes before hearing little footsteps on the stairs.

"Is that who I think it is?" I ask. "Doris? Ernie?" They run over and hug me, I kiss both of their heads and then pull them onto my laps.

They greet Gemma and their siblings and then come back over and sit on my lap.

"Why don't we watch Beauty & the Beast?" I suggest. "That's a great idea," Lottie replies.

She goes on Amazon and puts the movie on, since they own it.

We watch our favourite Disney movie for the next hour and a half, then head upstairs for dinner after Louis calls us up.

Aunt Jay made spaghetti, her amazing homemade red sauce, salad and chocolate cake for dessert.

I have three helpings off the pasta and two pieces of cake, I always eat a lot when I have dinner here.

After dinner, I help Aunt Jay clear the plates and then head downstairs with the girls to watch another Disney movie.

I love Disney so much, the girls and I are going over Christmas break in a bit less than a month, and we're doing the thirty days of Disney movies.

We plan to watch a different Disney movie every day until the day we leave.

We missed yesterday, so that's why we're watching two today. We end up picking Cinderella, and after it's over, we go to bed.

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