apple picking

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I put on a pair of leggings and a sweater and then put a sweatshirt on over it, since I have no idea what the plan is for today.

I head back upstairs with my phone, phone chargers, AirPods and my wallet in my purse. I put my sunglasses on and sit down on the living room couch next to Daisy and Fizz, who are the only ones ready.

We sit on our phones until Gemma, Lottie and Phoebe are done getting ready.

"So what's the plan for today?" Gemma asks, sitting down on the couch next to me. "We could go apple picking!" Lottie suggests. "Oh I love that idea!" I exclaim. "Me too," Phoebe agrees.

Daisy and Félicité also like the idea, so we all pile into Lottie's car.

"Ugh, why do I have to go in the back?" Daisy complains. "Cause we got in the car first," Félicité replies.

Daisy groans and Phoebe turns around and flips her off. "Phoebe!" Lottie exclaims, looking in the rear view mirror.

"What? Louis flips us off all the time," she says, shrugging her shoulders. "Doesn't mean you can flip her off," Félicité says.

A few minutes later, Lottie parks the car and we all get out and head inside the farm to purchase our tickets. Lottie insists on paying, though Gemma and I argue. We finally give in after a few minutes- Lottie can be very persuasive.

"So should we take the hayride up there or should we just walk?" Daisy asks.

"Let's take the hayride, that way we don't have to carry our heavy apples," Gemma replies. "Good idea," I say, walking towards the wagon.

Gemma gets on first and then me, then I help the twins. Gemma sits down towards the front and I sit next to her, then Phoebe and across from us Daisy, Félicité and Lottie.

It takes nearly half an hour for the wagon to finally reach the apple orchard and we all carefully dismount off of it.

Lottie grabs us all baskets and for the next two hours we run around picking only the best apples we can find, and of course taking cute pictures for our Instagrams.

"Let's get a group photo, guys," Gemma says. "I'll ask someone," I say. I decide to ask the lady a few feet away from us and accepts. She takes like ten and I AirDrop all of them to everyone.

I make the one where I have my arms wrapped around Phoebe and Fizzy, where all have our tongues out, my lock screen.

I make the one where I'm hugging Phoebe, Fizzy is hugging Daisy and Gemma and Lottie are smiling my home screen.

We get back on the wagon and head back down to the front of the farm, looking at the beautiful scenery. We soon arrive back at the farmhouse, where we enter to pay for our apples.

Lottie offers to pull the car around, so me, Gemma, Fizz and the twins wait by the parking lot.

Lottie returns in the car within two minutes and I hop into the front seat.

"Lottie, can you drive me to my house quickly? I want to grab some more clothes because I'll be here all week," I say. She nods and pulls out of the parking lot, towards the direction of my house.

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