audition prep

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"We all will," Félicité replies. "I'll play Cogsworth," Gemma offers. "I'll play the wardrobe," Lottie says.

"Madame De La Grande Bouche," I correct. "Why are you worried again?" Lottie jokes.

I nudge her and she smiles in response. "I'll go get the twins and Louis, maybe my mum too. They can play parts as well," Fizzy says, standing up.

"I just printed like ten copies of it to the printer in your room, can you grab them when you go up there?" I ask.

Félicité nods and walks up the stairs.

She returns a minute later with Aunt Jay, Louis, Phoebe and Daisy, all of them holding their own copies of the parts of the script I printed.

"Let's do this shit," Louis says, plopping down on the couch next to me.

"Language, son," Aunt Jay warns. "So who will I be playing my dear?" She asks me helpfully. "I saved Mrs. Potts for you," I reply. "Aw, thank you darling," she says, hugging me.

"Louis, you can play the Beast or Gaston, whichever," I add. "I'll be the beast," he replies.

"I can be Gaston," Phoebe says. "Okay," I chuckle.

"I can be Lumiere since I can do a French accent," Félicité says. "That leaves me with Babette," Daisy adds.

I nod and then open up the printed pages of some of the script, looking at page 37 first.

"Lets go from after the song," I say.

For the next hour, we run lines from different parts of the script.

"I'd ask you to sing but I want you to save your beautiful voice," Lottie says, hugging me. "Aw! Thank you guys so much, I feel much better now," I reply.

"Now go to bed! I'm sorry I kept you all up so late," I say. "Don't worry love. Make sure you call as soon as the audition is over," Aunt Jay says before kissing me on the head, then Gemma, Lottie and Félicité.

I follow everyone else upstairs, then brush my teeth and change into sweats and a sweatshirt.

I hug Lotts, Fizzy and Gem goodnight and then lay down in bed, snapchatting people until I'm to tired to stay awake any longer.

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