double standard

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The next morning, I wake up around eleven, according to the clock by the TV.

I sit up and put the sweatshirt I had on the floor on and then walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

I head back into the living room and see that the only one awake is Daisy, who is sitting on her phone.

"Dais, lets go get something to eat," I whisper. She nods and follows me upstairs.

"Morning my loves!" Jay greets as we walk into the kitchen. "Morning!" I reply. "Pancakes girls?" She asks.

Daisy and I both nod and sit down at the counter. She puts three chocolate chips on my plate and three on Daisy's as Louis walks down the stairs.

"Morning," he grumbles. "Woah, your hair looks great, Louis," I giggle. Jay and Daisy also laugh but Louis flips me off for the second time in twenty-four hours.

He sits down in the seat next to me and his mum puts pancakes on his plate as well.

Within a few minutes, I finish mine and then start my second plate.

Gemma and Fizz join us at the table soon after, Fizz sits on Louis' other side and Gem sits on hers.

Lottie and Phoebe wake up last and sit down at the table with us, helping themselves to pancakes and bacon, which Jay has just finished making.

I have a few pieces of turkey bacon and dip it in my syrup, it's the only way I'll eat ham.

"London, hun, how's your mum doing?" Jay asks.

"I haven't seen her in a few days, but I'm pretty sure she was home Thursday," I reply.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie," Jay says, giving me a pity smile. "You're welcome to stay here, as always. For as long as you'd like."

"Thanks Aunt Jay," I say, hugging her. "Of course, hun. More bacon?" She asks. I nod my head and she puts a few more pieces on my plate.

She kisses the top of my head and then moves to the other side of the table to give everyone else more bacon.

"I'll make up the guest room," Lottie says, getting out of her chair.

"I'll help you," Jay says, setting the empty plate on the counter. She then follows Lottie up the stairs.

"We may as well make it your room, you're here so much. I hate when you leave, you help me deal with these shits," Louis says, gesturing to Phoebe and Daisy.

I giggle as Phoebe and Daisy gasp. "You're a bigger pain than we are, ya ass," Daisy says.

All of us except Louis laugh, who flips her off.

"Louis! She's only thirteen!" Félicité swats his arm.

"She just called me an ass, but I can't flip her off? What a double standard," he groans.

We all laugh again and then I stand up to clear my plates and everyone else's.

I put them in the dishwasher and then the girls and then the girls and I head back downstairs to change into street clothes.

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