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It was a cold day when wall Maria fell, your cheeks felt warm only because your mother's blood had stained them. Since you were a only child you had been left alone during the time the colossal titan had broken through the gate. Your father had died when you were only young because of the plague, and your mother was in the bakery down the street. It was a calm day... Until, that titan had come out of thin air destroying the Shiganshina District gate with one mighty swing of it's leg. When it happened everyone went crazy because that was the deadly day we knew we lost our freedom.... from here on out we were cattle waiting to be eaten.

You ran down the road bumping into a chocolate brown hair boy with eye's that changed from blue to turquoise to green. Ignoring the terrified look on his face you kept running. The bakery was a block away from the gate and two blocks away from you. You ran as hard as you could that day, only to see your mother running towards you screaming for you to run. You were so happy she was alive you forgot about the titan's roaming their way into the District. You ran at her hoping you two would be able to share a long sweet hug when you stopped. You looked ahead of you and saw a titan with a long smile, along with a huge torso and small lower body. You stopped and looked onto it's eyes. It had been so close to you. You were paralyzed with fear. For a moment you saw your death, but your mother had leaped out in front of you risking her life to save your's. The titan had picked you both up. You two were facing each other as if you were to hug. At that moment the titan had looked like it was about decide which one would go first. He decided on your mother because before you knew it she was in it's mouth. The titan had Closed it's mouth slightly spraying your mother's warm blood on your cheek's. You were next. The titan leaned in and opened his mouth. You weren't ready.

Just as the titan went to take a bite of the next course a survey corps solider sliced the nape of freak titan. Ending in the titan dropping you and falling to it's knee's and after a minute it's face. You notice you were still falling. Suddenly a military solider caught you and had used his 3D maneuvering device to get you to the other side of the Shiganshina District and eventually getting your way to the final refugee boat. You sat next to an old man with a straw hat. He looked down at you and said "You are a very beautiful young lady" 

You didn't even look at him and whispered back "My mother was the most beautiful lady i had ever saw." The old man looked at you 

"Your Sally's kid aren't you?" he asked. You looked at him. You recognized him, he was your mother's favorite customer.

"A-Are you Mr.Arlert?" you asked quietly. 

He smiled and nodded "That's right you must be sally's girl! Do you know where your mother is" He asked looking around. Tear's didn't even fill your eye's 

"she's dead." you answered with no hesitation. He noticed your horrified face as you played the memories through you mind million's of time's. 

"Armin!" he called. You looked over to see a boy your age with blonde hair, along with a pair of huge blue eye's red from crying. 

"Yes grandpa?" he said in a shaky voice 

Do you have a spare rag on you?" Armin's Grandfather asked. 

"yes" he replied while searching his pockets eventually finding a small white handkerchief slightly wet from the young boy's tears. Armin's Grandfather thanked him and told him to go back to his seat. Armin looked you over and went back to his seat. He talked to two people next to him and he would sometime's look into your direction. Mr.Arlert started wiping all the blood off your soft cheeks. just a couple moments after lifting off a giant titan broke through wall Maria. The boy you bumped into earlier walked and grabbed a hold of the boat's edge. You saw his mouth moving and tears streaming down his face, but you didn't hear what he said. You knew he swore something though. You decided to as well. You swore when you were old enough you would join the military and make sure that no one would have to go through what you did that day..... no one could stop you from protecting the families of people that needed it. You would become a better solider than anyone else. No one could stand in your way. Not even your mother.

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