Secret Santa

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(TW: Swears, Remus being Remus)

              •~<Logan POV>~•
I finally finish painting and wood building after 14 hours 23 minutes and 9 seconds. I get up and stretch cracking almost every bone in my body. I'm covered in green paint. If he doesn't like this I will be greatly irritated and frustrated. It's an hour away before we do secret Santa. I start thinking... ' who has me? What did they get me? What if I hate it.' I stop thinking negatively. I change into my sweater and start wrapping the present. I tie it in a tidy bow and go downstairs to the living room early.
              •~<Remus POV>~•
God fucking damn it! I pricked myself again. Sewing is hard... But I pulled the last stitch and I'm done. I hope he likes it. I wrap it in green Christmas wrapping paper. I check the time and I have... 5 minutes?! Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw! I run downstairs, tripping the whole way. I slide down the railing, hop-off, and land in the living room with everyone already there. "I'm still early," I say and shrug. "Well! ignoring Remus, Shall we start?" Roman asks. "I will start because I am the greatest," He says before I retort with, "yeah Ro, you are the greatest. Greatest Bottom!" I say. Everyone starts laughing while Roman pouts. "yeah, he is a bottom" Virgil says quietly. "What," everyone else says. All I said was "Kinky". We stay quiet for a second before Roman grabs his gift and rips it open. It's a set of every Disney princess movie. He squealed with joy. "who got me it" he questions. "Not me," deceit says, obviously lying. Roman squeezes him tight "you definitely a-are not checking me," he says still lying. "kinky" I comment. They ignore me and Deceit opens his present. It's a squishy lasagna and on the back, it says 'bitch lasagna'. It was obviously Virgil. When Deceit was gonna make some snide comment about it Virgil shushed him so he couldn't speak and took his own present. 50$ (38.12£) Spotify gift card. "do you like it?" Patton asks. Virgil gives a nod of approval and Patton squeezes him tightly. "I'll go next," I say ready to open my gift. I grab it and open it, it's another box. I open the box and-- Oh my god. My mouth drops to the floor. I'm seriously speechless. It's a guitar with green flames on it.

I look to Logan because he is the only person who was left

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I look to Logan because he is the only person who was left. "also in case of any hand or wrist ache, I have made the neck able to move a bit." he mentions. I tackle him. "Holy ShitBalls Logan this is the best thing ever!" everyone stares and when I look at his face, he looks like a tomato. Everyone else in unison says "Kinky!" just to make fun of me. I get off, blushing a bit myself. We don't look at each other. "I suppose I shall open my own presents, " he says before fixing his glasses. I look at him to get his reaction. He takes his box which is as tall as his leg.
              •~<Logan POV>~•
I suppose I got a bit flustered at Remus's tackle. It does not matter now, he was just excited. Ok very pleased with his reaction. I did, however, notice the several bandages on his hand. I grab my tall gift and take off the wrapping paper. I open the box and...

A Unicorn Onesie with uneven stitches

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A Unicorn Onesie with uneven stitches. "cute..." manages to slip out of my mouth, causing everyone to look at me. "I-I said adequate" I blurt out. How embarrassing... "Uhm... Thank you, Remus. This is nice" I say and look at him. "Remus, " Roman calls to him before pulling him aside.
              •~<Remus POV>~•
Roman pulls me into the other room. "you need to tell him something." he says bluntly. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I say with a chuckle at the end. He obviously knew I was lying and gave me a look, "I can't tell him! He would hate me more than he already does!" I explain to try to get it through his thick skull. "that's not what he told me."

(sorry for being so Christmas late pals!  My week has been so busy. I'm going to try to update as much as possible. You guys like my intrulogical ship trash for some reason. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays. 750 words)

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