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(TW: Unsympathetic Virgil, Sympathetic Remus)

•~<Remus POV>~•
'what if he hates me..?' I think to myself. I guess it doesn't matter, he already did it and no takes backsies. I sneak to Logan's room because if I go to the light side and get caught I'm gonna be kicked out asap and probs banned. I knock on the door. "Come in" I hear a voice from the other side. I open it and close the door behind me "Hey Lolo!~" I say cheerfully. He pinches the bridge of his nose, preparing himself for some random gross stuff. "I actually came for serious talk time, " I say to him in a calmer tone. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "On new year's you got pretty drunk." As soon as the words slip through my lips he stared at me with wide eyes.
•~<Logan POV>~•
Drunk? I can only assume I did something affected by the alcohol since that would be the only reason it would be mentioned in conversation. "So uh we--" I cut him off as soon as he says we. "I'm sorry, We? You don't mean we..." I wouldn't finish, he of all people knew what I was talking about. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and his turn pink. "No! I wouldn't do think because if we did, you would kill me. Possibly literally." he says to me reassuring me. "though... We uh..." his face figuratively glows red. "Ok, YOU kinda insisted we make out after pinning me to wall...?" he said quickly. There was no way for me to take it well, he was probably sure of that from the look on his face. I was figuratively speechless, what was one supposed to say? "Do you hate me now...?" He asks me. My attention instantly snaps to him, how could I hate him? "Of course not Remus, why would I?" I ask, not fully understanding why he would say such a thing. Now he looked surprised, "well I thought you would hate me 'cause I did that," he says, kind of figuratively dragging his words at the end. I shake my head "Of course not, Remus" I say in a soft voice. He smiles at me "Ok Logie! I'll see ya' later!" He says and skips out. I can't stand it anymore. I take an empty notebook and start writing 'Hello journal, I am writing in here because it is psychologically proven that writing about your situations is a valuable experiment. Anyway, I believe I am in quite the predicament, you see, have not been able to think properly when I am around a certain person. He makes my chest experience a fuzzy phenomenon. I don't exactly know how to explain it. Anyway, I shall continue this another time, for I must work.' That was... stress relieving, Interesting.

•~<Remus POV>~•

I skip out happily knowing Logan doesn't hate me. I hear familiar footsteps behind me. Oh no. I turn around and it's... Virgil. "What are You doing here Remus, this isn't your territory". He storms over to me angrily. Even if he was shorter than me it was still kinda intimidating. "I had to take care of something and was just leaving," I tell him honestly but not specifically. He could kick me out forever which would be horrible. "Leave, you know the consequences. Go before I change my mind, and don't come back," he says almost shouting at me. It actually kind of hurt. I'm sure he hasn't told anyone but we used to be best friends. We used to play pranks on everyone and make jokes and write songs... He changed a lot. I nod at him and run back to the dark side of the mindscape. It really wasn't fair. He stayed long enough and now he's one of their best friends. They let him stay multiple times until he was a light side. Me and Dee? Not for 5 minutes are we welcomed...

(hey pals! Sorry that I keep being so late. A really big event is happening for me Sunday. Hopefully, after that It'll be all good. Thank you all for your huge support, it means a lot for someone so small as me.)

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