Chapter 3 (Rewritten)

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B.P.R.D. (H.B.'s POV)

It was our first mission with the new kids. Adelaide clearly had more experience, so it was Myers I was worried about. Hopefully the kid can just keep his head down until I figure out what to do with him. Normally, it was pretty easy to get rid of new recruits I didn't like. But Myers was father's pick, meaning he'd put up a fight. Still, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. I don't like the kid, no more, no less.

Adelaide on the other hand, if she felt uneasy about being here or joining the team, she certainly didn't show it. It didn't take a fool to look around and realize she was the only female agent for miles. But it didn't seem to phase her. To most people this would have been the shock of their lives–monsters, demons– but she didn't bat an eye.

What's going on behind that tough girl, one of the guys, but I'll outrun you in heels, mask she wore?

I watched as she helped load the truck silently, following whatever orders Clay gave her. Surely she was overqualified for this? Being on babysitting duty. So why had father brought her in? And how did Manning know her?

Clay instructed her to stay in the back with us, while Myers got to ride shotgun. Not that I minded, the farther away he was, the better.

Once the 'garbage truck' was packed and ready, we headed off to the Makum Library. I have to admit, it was kinda a clever schtick. Garbage trucks could get anywhere in the city and no one would bat an eye. With the Squeaky Clean Waste Management building as our cover, it was nearly airtight.

Adelaide remained silent the whole trip, completing the tasks given to her. As we arrived at the library I saw hundreds of people outside. Reporters and camera crews were scurrying around as we slipped right through them unnoticed.

"Look at all those ugly suckers, Blue," I muttered, looking out through the one way window, "One sheet of glass between them and us."

"Story of my life," Abe retorted. I saw Adelaide crack a smile as she was cleaning her gun.

"Outside. I could be outside." I groaned, sliding the window panel closed.

"You mean outside with her." Abe said as he slipped his respirator on.

"Don't get psychic with me fella," I warned him, retrieving my gun from it's box.

"There's nothing psychic about it, you're easy." Abe shrugged, placing his goggles over his eyes.

"How'm I ever gonna get a girl, I drive around in a garbage truck." I rolled my eyes.

"You'd be surprised, some people are into that." Adelaide broke her silence, keeping her eyes on her gun as she smirked, teasingly.

The truck slid to a stop, signaling our arrival.

"Liz left us Red, take the hint." Abe whispered to me. My eyes whipped to Adelaide to see if she'd heard. Although she didn't react, I knew she had.

"We don't take hints." I said, spinning the cylinder of my gun into place with a click.

Abe and I stood at the end of the truck as it slowly reversed into the dock. The door began to slowly slide open and Adelaide made her way to my side. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I spotted Myers on the platform in front of us, as I lit up a cigar.

"Ok guys, let's sync up our locators." Clay said. I pushed the button on my belt, this was nothing new. I saw the blue lights surrounding me as the other agents turned theirs on as well. But something was different.

When I turned to look at the locator on Adelaide's belt, it wasn't blue like the rest of the agents. It was red... like mine. Hell, she really must be my babysitter.

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