Eye's Of The Fox

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"What's an Uchiha?" The two in front of me  eyes widen as if i said something treacherous. "Excuse me?" The man i now know as sasuke, looked me in the eyes with both irration and shocked embedded in them. The other looked at me the same way, only without the irritation. "How the hell do you not know what an Uchiha is?" There was a vain popping out of his forehead. I don't see why he's so mad. The only things i know from outside the village, was part of the missions i went on. How am i supposed to know about a clan other than mine. I start to zone out thinking about my clan. My village. How everything was snatched from underneath me. The glazed over look my brother gave me one last time. I didn't know i was crying until i felt the older brother wipe away the tears from my cheek. "I-im sorry". I quickly pulled my cheek away and wiped the rest of my tears away. It looked like he wanted to say something before i stood up and spoke. "I'm going for a walk. See ya later". Before they could say a word i grabbed kiara and left the hideout.

                           ~Time Skip~

Kiara and i have been walking the woods for about 3 hours. Kiara was busy chasing a squirrel while i was throwing needles a tree. Each on aimed for a weak point of the tree. I threw a total of 5 needles before it broke apart. To be fair it was a small tree. All of a sudden something pink flys by, catching my attention, i prepared to battle. Standing there in front of me was a pinknette in a akatsuki robe. I still kept my guard up. Not knowing if she was just pretending to be apart of them. Then i sensed another chakra right behind her. "Who are you two" i said in a threatening tone. She looked almost shocked before returning to her normal expression. "Two, why what do you mean" her voice was a bit high, but not to the point where it's annoying. "Don't play dumb, the other one's behind you". As if on cue the a tall figure came from behind her. He was just a few inches taller then girl. He had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He had whiskers on his face, sorta like a fox. "Didn't think you would notice me" the blonde spoke. I notice Kiara was hiding behind them, incase we have to fight. "Who are you" i spoke again. The girl started laughing mechanically (idk if that's the right word but it's going here). "Why would we tell our names to someone who's going to die where they stand"! I quickly threw a needle behind me as the boy tried to strike me from behind. He just barely doge as the needle grazed his cheek. I then doged the pinknette whose punch left a crater in the ground. I landed in front of the tree Kiara was currently hiding behind. "She's quick". "This might actually be fun". Suddenly the both came at once. Being the awesome guardian she is, Kiara swiped the girl away as i threw a kick to the boys stomach. He grabbed my ankle and threw me towards a tree, from there i flipped around to where my feet lands on the trunk of the tree so i could doge the on coming attack. As i doged his punch i saw that Kiara is in a battle with the pinknette. I turned my attention back to the blonde boy just to see a kuni fly towards my face. I quickly grabbed the kuni and threw it back with three needles in it's shadow. He doged the kuni and a needle, but the other two hit his right shoulder and left ankle. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and saw a shuriken in my left arm. "Didn't think you'd send another attack in the first two." He spoke in cocky tone. "Don't under estimate me!" I growled.   The battle went on for quite some time before we came to a halt. "Wow, your really strong." "I know, that's how im alive". My snarky come back made him smirked. He closed his eyes and stood completely relaxed. I raised my guard even high anticipating what's to come. "Lets see how strong you really are". He opened his eyes. I was in a state of shock when he appeared right in front of me before he was sent flying backwards along with his friend. "Damn idiot, always starting some trouble".looked to my side and saw sasuke. I look to where Kiara was and saw the older brother there. "She's part of the akatsuki, stop trying to kill her", the older one spoke. "Oh, m-my bad. If i knew that i wouldn't have attacked", said the pinknette. After.

                        ~Time Skip~

After we got back to the base ther was a man with silver hair there i haven't seen along with the other two who i just met. They introduced themselves one by one and explained what they do. After a while every retreated to our rooms. I layed on my bed starring at the ceiling remembering the the fight from earlier. I was frozen in fear at that moment.
I saw his eyes.
Lost in the never-ending pit.
At that moment,
That dreadful moment,
I saw,

The Eyes Of The Fox.

*Thank you so much for sticking with this book even tho my schedule is so off. Ill try and find time for more uploads. And thank you so much for 89 reads. I hope you stay with the book. And don't forget i do side story request so be sure to let me know if there's a Naruto character that you really want to see. See ya guys later*

Word Count: 989

Tainted Eyes- Itachi x Reader x SasukeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant