Goddess Of Lightning

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*this isn't you. Just a pic off google. Not mine*

Blood. S-so much blood. So much fire.
Swallowing everything whole. "Y/n...".
I turned my head fast enough to crack my neck. He stood there. Eyes once a vibrant lovestruck lavender, dulled down, entirely ghostly. My big brother stood straight. Faded. Like fog. He stood there. Covered in dark red blood. A blue flames surrounds us. He starts solidifying. Like he was never dead. The only person i know who was stronger then my parents. My brother. To others, his dragon soul, gave him a flaming appearance as The Fire God. Our true chakra natures come after we awaken our eyes. The dragon within us show its fangs. He stands there his dragon standing around him. Blue flames rise. So... Much... Fire.... "Hey little N/n..." He speaks. His obsiden black hair sways with a gust of wind. He starts to blow away. I move. I cant stop. Just as i touch his risk. Theres regular flames. So much blood. My clan. Dead. He's in my arms. My mom, dad, other brothers, lay in a pool of there intertwining blood. I can't breath. They all fade away. Please don't leave me here. Alone. Darkness. Fear. Sadness. Pain. Blood. "Please... Don't leave me alone...". Lightning flashed. "You are not alone my child.". A storm of lightning flashed, forming a shape, A dragon. "My dear child, wipe your eyes". I stared on at her. Not realizing there was a chakra circle forming around the two of us. "You have opened your eyes and awakened the Dragongon (im bad at names T-T). You have unlocked a new source of power and possibilities. But, with great power come great responsibility. I can't control what you do with your power from now on. What i can do is show you the many paths others who have gotten me have received. Sadly for you, ever L/n who had gotten me, took the path of destruction. Your destiny is now in your hand will you follow the others, or will you be the one to stray from the path." She starts to faded away. "W-wait!" She looks at me as she disappears. "It's your choice my child..." Lightning Barreled towards me. "WAIT". I woke up. "Are you alright" Kiara had a worried expression. "I'm fine, just a dream" she looked relieved a bit. All of a sudden Konan and sakura bust threw my door with very beaming smiles. "Y/N LETS GO SHOPPING". I stare at them with a blank face. "No way in hell". They deadpan before throwing a marrage of questions. After thirty minutes of questions in a row. I finally gave in. Giant smiles plastered their faces after my answer and started to dragg me out of my room. "H-Hey wait! I need to get dressed first!" With that they let me go and left my room with a few giggles. I look at Kiara and sighed. "Im going to regret this am i?" Kiara laughed before i started to get dress.

                         ~Time Skip~

We've been in the mall for about three hours now. And lucky for me they didn't pick anything extra pastel. Suddenly my stomach started yelling. The three of us laughed before heading towards the food court. We stood there for a couple minutes deciding what to eat. Finally we wanted ramen and ordered our food.
As we sat and ate my mind drifted off and my vision swirled into a thick smoke. I stared at the very thing that was in my sleep infront of me. The words she spoke was muffled like someone was blocking it out. I went to reach when konans squeal snaped me back into reality. We soon headed home after doing some more shopping and grabbing diner for everyone.  After dinner i went straight to sleep feeling drained.

Shes there.

But how if im here.

It-its.... Thats impossible.

I stare her dead in the eye.

"Its me"

"So it is child." I turn around to see the dragon from the night before. She was a bit smaller this time. "Why do you stand there like useless bitch!" I starer at myself with widened eyes. "And you stare like a clueless fucking child!" I stare at her surprised before i feel power flowing threw my veins and we both start to glow. "Your power awaits child. Will you let it wilt away or will you become a god!" The moment she stopped talking i walked to my self and stood face to face. With her. She clearly showed dominance and superiority. I then grabbed onto her and felt a surge of energy spread threw out my body. Before i knew it i could feel the power of lightning make a home deep within me.

At that moment i was on my way to becoming something big.

The Goddess Of Lightning.

*Im sorry my little Psychos. Ive been busy with work since The pandemic. I promise ill try to update as soon as possible. I hope every one is safe and doing ok. Talk to yall soon*

Word count: 859

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