Month 12 Dec.30

39 3 0

Doctor:No pulse.
Rose:This is your fucking fault Jennie.
Jennie:Rose please.
Rose:She been beating for you Jennie. By Kai and now Maxwell. Why are you doing this to Lisa. She been hurt too many fucking times Jennie.
Jisoo:Rose ple-
Rose:No she has no fucking family but us Jennie. Lisa fucking-
Doctor:The family and friends of LaLisa Manoban?
(Everyone runs to the doctor)
BamBam:I'm her blood brother.
Doctor:Shes still not wake. I'm sorry we done everything we could sir. Her body is damaged badly. We managed to save her body but her ribs is going to take awhile to heal. Also she had cuts on her arms. Whats something else going on with her?
Jennie:She suffered from depression. She didn't have any family. Also someone in her family was abusing Kyong and she stood up for him (looks down and tears fall). Can we see her please?
Doctor:Follow me.
(In Lisa room)
Doctor:I'll give you space. (Leaves)
BB(Holds lisa hand):Im here for you sister. I promise. I won't let anyome hurt you.
Rose(looks at Jennie):Get out.
Jimin:Babe stop it.
Jennie:I can't leave Rose. Im sorry I can't. (Holds lisa hand). I know this is my fault. I tried to stop Lisa but she so fucking hardheaded. The things lisa taught and I taught her was amazing. I can't leave her in here. She hads to wake up.
Kyong(gets in the bed):I'll stay with Lili. (BamBam reaches for Kyong but he screams) Dont touch me... Uncle. I stay here.
Jisoo:Just let him.

Lisa gripped on BamBam and Jennie hand which made them look at her. The doctors told everyone they had to leave. They reached for Kyong but he screamed. They let him stay with Lisa. Jennie was the last one to leave. She kissed lisa on her lips and left.
(The next day)
The gang came back to the hospital to still see Lisa in a coma with Kyong asleep next to her.

Jin:Look at her.
Jisoo:My poor baby.
Jimin:She be better.
Rose:Jennie I-
The machine:Beep Beep Beep.
Doctors:Everyone out now. WE HAVE A PULSE!!!
Doctor:Get her into a regular room please. Welcome back Lisa.
(Hours later)
Lisa:Where am I?
Jisoo:The hospital love.
Lisa:Where Max is he here?
Lisa:Wheres Jennie?
Rose:I wouldn't let her in.
Lisa:Eonnie let her in please.
Rose(Lets her and Kyong in):But she-
Jennie:Lisa I'm sorry I put-
Lisa:Its not your fault okay (jumps in pain)
Jennie: Do you need anything?
Jisoo:Yah did you forget we all are here.
Rm and V:Gald your okay Lisa.
Kyong(climbs on Lisa):Me too.
Lisa:Yah becareful sport.
Rose:Sorry Jennie.
Jennie:Its okay
Jimin:Let's let Jennir and Lisa talk okay.
Jin:good idea plus lets go eat I'm hungry.
Everyone:bye (leaves)

Once jennie turned her head to me i leaned closer to her which made our face close but I felt a sharp pain to my laid back.(Note:Kyong left with BamBam)

Lisa:Please get in the bed with me.
Jennie:I dont wanna hurt you.
Lisa:If you dont bring your ass here.
Jennie(Lays with Lisa):I'm sorry this happened to you. If I-
Lisa:Hush. You have me now baby and that whats matter.
Jennie:Can we be official Lisa? I wanna make TikToks with you and post you on social media. I want you nobody else.
Lisa:I want the same. Dam it Jennie your making me want you know how injured I am.
Jennie:Well your hands not injured baby.
Lisa: Good thinking.

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