Chapter 3: Last Names?

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"Nice work Ryder!" He said looking at her with the biggest smile. "Not too bad yourself Harbour!" She said back while giving him a high five before walking back to her trailer. David loved her enthusiasm about work, he loved knowing that he could even work alongside the Winona Ryder, he couldn't even believe he was falling for her.

As Winona walked back to her trailer she couldn't help herself from smiling, everything she had ever wanted was right in front of her and she knew she had to have it. She was still worried that maybe her feelings didn't matter and that this was all too fast, that maybe what she was feeling wasn't what she should be feeling. As she made her way into the trailer she sat down, she thought about every possible way to break the news to him, before telling Scott, she knew that if she told David first and feelings weren't there, she could still stay with Scott and he would never have to know, but if feelings were there, she would tell him. She doubted the fact that David liked her back, they only met a day ago.

"Did I really just call her Ryder? You idiot!" He said to himself while pacing back and fourth. He worried that maybe he scared her away by calling her by her last name, they barely knew each other and they were already on a last name basis? He loved her and he didn't want to ruin something that could be really great all because he called her "Ryder."

"He called me Ryder" she said to herself with the biggest smile. "What does that mean? Does he like me? Who else does he have on a last name basis?" She wondered what he was thinking, feeling, even what he was doing while she was thinking of him. She took a deep breath, got up, and started walking to his trailer.

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