Cotton Candy

91 6 18

I wake up. I dress up in some old jeans and a t-shirt and I want to go to training. When I wanna close the door behind me remember what happens today. I will say my shadowhunter oath. I rush back and to change my clothes. I am not sure what to choose. After 5 minutes of staring in my closet, I choose a pair of leather black pants, a pair of boots and a grey T-shirt. Then, I go downstairs to take breakfast.

When I enter the kitchen Maven is already there, tho it is only 7 a.m.. When he sees me he seems surprised.

"So excited to say your oath?"

"Who wouldn't be?" I reply.

"Well, some may be scared. But not you. You seem fearless."

"I am not. I have my fears. Only fools are afraid of nothing."

"It is true. Do you want your eggs scrambled or boiled?"

"I want pancakes"

"Great. I do not even know how to make scrambled eggs." he smiles "I knew that you would't want eggs"

This feels me with warmth for some reason. i smile and he starts making the pancakes. I climb up on the table and watch him. Now I realize that he is sarcastic and arrogant with the other kids in the Institute, whose names I still do not know, but he has never been rude to me. Probably because I am sarcastic too. Suddenly a thought strikes me:

"Hey, Maven?"


"That ritual, the one that a shadowhunter has when he or she is born, did i have it?"

"No. But, a warlock put a spell on you so you will be protected."

"What warlock?"

"Catrina Loss"

"What?! My parents know Catrina Loss?"

"Yes, they do. You mum is the one that had the idea. In fact, she is a friend of Catrina."

"Wow. I thought that my parents were mundanes. And know I find out that they are friends with a warlock."

"Well, they have The Sight. Anyways, you are protected. Catrina's spells are very powerful."

Right then, Aria comes in:

" 'Morning." she says still sleepy

" 'Morning" me and Maven respond almost at the same time. We give each other a surprised look.

"The pancakes are ready!" Maven says after we manage to stop looking at each other.

"YAY!!!!! Pancakes!" Aria exclaims.

We all start laughing and then we eat. Right when we finish, Alina comes in:

"Come on kids. We gotta go. The ceremony starts in ten minutes"

"Ten minutes?! How are we even going to get to the Silent City?" says Maven his surprise as big as mine.

"An old friend will help us." she says, the Catrina Loss comes in.

"Hi,guys! It has been a long time since I saw you Maven and Aria." then she looks at me"And even longer since I saw you."

I look I her. She looks exactly as I imagined her when I read the books. Thin and short, with a very kind face. Now, thinking back at what Maven told me, this may have been my memories. I step forward " Thanks" I whisper while hugging her. When we part she says, while making a portal:

"Come on. Lets go"

I look at that vortex of colors with fear. It is one thing to read about it, other to see it in front of you. Maven comes next to me and takes my right hand. "I know you are afraid" he says. At the same time Aria grabs my left hand "I am here for you" she whispers. I smile and while holding their hands I step into the Portal. I expect this to be a long journey and to blurt went we arrive. But i do not blurt and the journey is not long.

We arrive in the Silent City, which is is just like I imagined it: wet and it smells strange, but it is not dark because of all the witch lamps that are there. in a circle of Silent brothers. In the middle there is Brother Shadrach. Aria and Maven let go of my hands, not before gripping then tighter , to encourage me. I step forward until I am only 2 steps away from Brother Shadrach. He says to all of the nephilims in the...I do not even know what this is. A cave?... :

"We are here the witness a brave shadowhunter, Resee Blckthorn, saying her oath" his voice is clear in my head. Then, only for me he says:" Come on, Say it after me". He starts saying the oath in my head. I repeat after him, even tho I already know it:

"I hereby swear:

I will be Raziel's Sword, extending his arm to strike down evil.

I will be Raziel's Cup, offering my blood to our mission.

I will be Raziel's Mirror; when my enemies behold me, let them see his face in mine.

I hereby promise:

I will serve with the angels' courage.

I will serve the angels' justice.

And I will serve with the angels' mercy.

Until such time as I die, I will be Nephilim.

I pledge myself in Covenant as a Nephilim, and I pledge my life and my family to the Clave of Idris."

Then, he takes my hand and starts drawing the Angelic power rune close to my shoulder. It hurts a bit. More than the Clairvoyant rune Maven draw on the back on my hand at the request of Aria. But, while thinking of this he finishes. It is very silent. Nobody says a thing. But, it is the silent city. Catrina steps forward and makes a portal and all of us from the Institute step into it. I am the last to get in with Aria and Maven holding my hands. When we arrive in the kitchen of the Institute, Ia m squeezed in a hug by Aria and Catrina. Then, Alina hugs me too. Maven smiles. I look around and smile too. These people became my family and I love it. After a while, after the sun sets I return in my room. On my desk,there is a new codex with note on it. The note is from Maven. It said "Come where it all started. On the rooftop. Midnight." I look at my watch. It is already 11.45 p.m. and I do not want to run, so I leave after I draw a sure-footed rune on my ankle.

When I arrive, he is already there. When he sees me he smiles.

"I did not think you would come." he says

"Well, I talked to you one year ago here, when I did not even know you."

"Look up. The stars are wonderful from here."

I look up. The black sky is sprinkled with white shiny spots."This really is beautiful"

"I know" he says. Then, he whispers "so are you". I do not think I was supposed to hear that. But I did. I did not know what to do.I look in his eyes and he looks into mine's. I lift my head up and our lips touch. He is really shy at first. Or I think he is. This is my first kiss. We hug and then the kiss becomes deep and i realize that his lips are so soft and that they taste like cotton candy. When we part, my happiness reflects in his eyes. He takes my hand and we head back to the Institute. When I go to sleep tonight I still smile.

Hello, you are a shadowhunter!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora