5 years later

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Flashbacks of the past 5 years come to me while I sit in the garden of the Herondale Masion in Idris:

It was autumn, and the Borcelind forest was more beautiful than any forest I was in. Idris, just like I imagined it:old houses, surrounded by the shiny, modern-looking demon towers. I stayed at the Herondale mansion with Maven, just like Ronan and Aria. It was beautiful to see all that after I thought that it was not real for 15 years until I became a shadowhunter.  Aria showed me everything in the city.

It was my 21st birthday. Magnus insisted I have to meet my cousins. I agreed. I mean, they were some of my favoutite characters. The meeting was great. I immediatlt became frinds with Ty and I could not help but notice that him and Kit are amaizing together. Emma became my friend too. I see them nearly every month, but we talk on the phone at least once a week.

Then, I remembered something that was not very pleasant.

It was a few years after Zara died. Some new Accords were scheduled to be signed. But, some people that could not get over it, and still supported The Cohort, started saying that some Downworlers killed Zara. I convinced them that it was not posible, that Idris was basicly sealed and that Downworlders could not live there, not even in Borcelind forest. This was my first of the many other diplomatic succeses I had. I got a place in the Council. Alec sais that it would suit me. And it did.

Then, I remembered the day me and Aria went to see my parents. It a beutifully depressing day. I was both happy and sad. But Aria was there.

Speaking of me and Aria...
We do almost everything together. And sometimes Maven and Ronan join us. Once, we went riding in the Borcelind forest. It was amaizing

Alina and Catrina adopted 2 children. Rosie is 6 now and she trains to be a shadowhunter. Fan, her brother, is learning his first spells.

I met Jace. He is great. I feel like he is my older brother or something. Clary is sweet.

Yesterday, when I got married to Maven here in Idris. It was amaizing. The weather was perfect. The garden was snining in the sun beacise of all the gold that was there. Mom and Dad came too. We changed the runes on the arms there, and the ones on our chests later at night. Tradition.
And after this when my parents told me that mum decided to ise the Mortal Cup, so that we can be all together. I creied with tears of joy.

"REESE! Are you hearing me?"shouts Aria with an annoyed look on hee face.

"Yeah, I am here. Can you repeat please?"

"Clary wants me to try on the wedding dresse. "

"Great" I say, rolling my eyes.

"C'mon, I know that you feel like an outcast, becaus eme and Clary are so good at making outfits but come. I need you."

This concinces me. She is my parabatai and even tho I will stay in a corner and watch them, I will come.

"Fine. I will come" I say and then I hug her.

After she dresses up, we go downstairs. Everybody is already there, and the bride comes last. I sit between Maven and Emma and wait for Aria and Ronan say their vows. After they finish drawing the runes, I am the first to cheer and hug them, closely followed by Maven.

The party is better than Alina's and Catrina. With more life. This is also me and Maven's party. We decided to do this together.

"Well, now you are married!" I hear Emma tell me.

"I was married since yesterday" I reply

"Yeah, but you had to have the party."

"Hmmm...let"'s say that you are right. When are you and Julian going to marry?"

"HEY! Me and Julian were married with eachother most of our lives. So the ceremony was only a formality."


"Yeah was. We did it last night. Magnus helped. "

"Wow. Then this is your party too!"


"It IS." I sy whhile pushing her to the drinks table.

There, I meet Alec.

"Hello there!"he says looking down at me.

"I know that I am smaller than you but ypu do not need to bow your head to look at me." I say and then we burst into laughter.

"I guees you are right."he says. "Listen, who you  consider becoming Consul?"

"What?!" I say, almost dropping the whisky glass I was holding.

"Why are you so surprised? You are a great diplomatic person and you know a lot."

"Yes , I am. But, people do not know me nor trust me..."

"Do not think about this. If I tellthem I trust you, THEY will trust you too"

"Then, yes. I would accept to be Consul."

"Great. I will let you know when I know when the vote will be held.", he says with a genuine smile on his face.

I turn back and I find Aria behind me.

"I was offered to be Consul."

"BY THE ANGEL THAT IS GREAT! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" she says and then pulls me tight in a hug."But, now we have to do the dances." I look at her with a tortured look on my face. "Cmon it will not be that bad"she encourages me.

The boys wait for us. The music that plays is fsst , something that reminds me of the Mazurka my grandma thought me once to dance.

"You seem to be doing ok" Maven says.

"Well, I haven't stepped on ypur feet yet, have I?"

"Not yet, but this is not the reason why you are so happy. Why are you not telling me?"

"I waited for the perfect moment gor this...but Alec offered me the position of Consul."

"I knew iiiiiit!"

"Yeah, you did." I say and then the dance finishes and we can finally kiss

After the party ends, me and the others go into the library. We kinda make every ljbrary of secret lair. Ee can not help it. We celebrated our weddings and we ate cakes and played games. Then Ronan told us that he will be the next Iquisitor and thus meant that we congratulated him and ate ever more cake.

We did not sleep that night. Ee spend it together, telling stories and thinking back at the day we met.

I stayed there and watched them, thinking about how my life is as perfect as I wanted it, about hoe everyone I care about is with me. And I hope this is how my life will end.


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