The 29th of April

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The five months until my parabatai ceremony passedvery fast. Aria and me trained almost evry day so we can fight together now without any problems.  My other part of trainig goes well too. Ronan helps me with drawing runes. I still need to practice a lot here. The part that Maven is teaching me , the one with Downworlders and the Accords is going  great.  He even jokes that I can be a Consul one day, but I do not think so.

One day, Alina  came in the kitchen after breakfast and told us that we will have a tutor. Brittany Verlac. She was supposed to the us some more things about the Accords, the Runes and fighting. When she came,the first thing that I noticed about her was the blonde dyed hair and the fake blue eyes. I did not like her and the first thing that she told us is that she is supporting the Cohort. Then, we did not talk to her unless we had to in class.She died 2 months later anyways, killed by a demon. Alina started doing Brittany's job and she was doing it even better than her.

I was thinking at this while I was in the library with Maven. It became a custom of our to go here and talk or just read in silence. 

"What are you thinking about?" he says, noticeing that I stare at the walls.

"About Brittany and what happened in the past months..."

"Brittany with the contact lents?"

"Ok so i am not the only one that thought so" I say and they we laugh, somehow breaking the unwritten rule of the Library

"Are you ready?" he says, becoming a bit more serious

"Ready for what?"

"Your parabatai ceremony."

"Yes, I am. I still think about Harper and my past life, but I really have a bond with Aria.How did you know that Ronan is OK for you?"

"Well, when I was a kid I did not have any best friends. Until he showed up. he family used to live in Idris but they hated the Cohort. So they moved. And when they came to our Institute or at least where we were at that time I beacame friend with him. It was kinda like you and Aria"

And now for the first time I ask him:

"But where are Jace and Clary?"

"They travel a lot. They are heros so they are some kind of ambassadors for Shadowhunters. Everybody knows them."

"Resee! Maven! Dinner is ready!" I hear Aria scream from downstairs.

"I hope it is spaghetti."I say before  going dowstairs with Maven

"I hope so too" he says with his puppy smile.

We eat. And then we talk. Then we play mafia with tarot cards and somehow Zara's card is the killer. Then, we have to go to sleep so we do. Tomorrow we have to go the City of bones before breakfast.

Next morning when I wake up the sun shines. Too bright thinking that I have to go underground. I get dressed in the same clothes I wore at the Shadowhunter ceremony, by luck beacause that is the first thing I fing in my closet. 

 I meet Aria on the hallway and we go downstair together. Whe we Arrive, everybody is still there, plus Catrina. After we all sat hi and hug she opens the Portal. I kinda got used to them. Ronan and Aria fo fisrt, then me and Maven. At the end come Alina and Catrina.

When we arrive the Silent Brothers wait for us. Me and Aria go in the middle. Suddenly we are surrounder by a blue fire and we start saying our vows.

"Entreat me not to leave thee,"

"Or return from following after thee—"

"For whither thou goest, I will go,"

"And where thou lodgest, I will lodge."

"Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."

"Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried."

"The Angel do so to me, and more also,"

"If aught but death part thee and me."

Then we draw runes. Aria draws my runes on my left arm, and I draw hers on her right arm. Then we leav ethe Silent City.

After everybody congrats us, Alina and Catrina leave and we go to a small cafe to take breakfast. There Ronan says:

"I will be 18 soon ad I will have to go to another Insitute to change experience. But I will wait for MAven to turn eighteen so we can go together. And since none of us wants to go away without her girlfriend, we will go together and you will chose the place."

I am amazed. I look at Aria and she loks at me I wanna choose the London Institute.

"We will go. And we chose the London institute." Aria says amaizing me, bacause our APrabatai bond is already 'working'.

"Yes, we will." I say.

Then we all drink our coffes or teas while making travel plans. 

Sudenly, Maven receives a fire message.

"It is from mum"he says. "Zara Dearborn is dead. Idris is the Shadowhunters' country again" We all start cheering an dthe mundanes start looking at us like we are mad.

 Maybe we are. MAybe it is everything a dream and I will wake tommorow in my bed. But it is not. I have a parabatai and a boyfriend that are shaowhunters. I will go to Idris and to the London Institute. I will die as a shadowunter.

And all of it is real.

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