The London Institute

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I was more excited than i should be to leave what I ended up calling home in the past year. But, it was the London institute. We where all excited for different reasons: Ronan was happy to get rid of his mother, that was Alina's sister and toldAlina to keep an eye on him all the time, Maven was happy to discover something new, but Aria and me just wanted to visit this Institute that was fairytale-ish.

Tommorow, we will leave pur institute to go there. That means that today we pack. We will stay there for a year so i do know what to take. i choose a pair of boots, some pairs of jeans, sweaters and a coat. when I am done and struggling with the luggage, my parabatai comes in

"Heyyyyy!" she says, her voice as excited as I feel

"Heyyyyy!" I respond " Can you help me?" I say, pointing to the luggage

She understands whait i means, and she sits on the suitcase so I can close the zipper. I look at her witha satisfied smile

"I should really teach you how to pack your clothes" she says

"Yeah, sure thanks Cristina" I say, hoping she gets it. She does.

"Wow, thanks" she responds with a smile

" How are the other people i know from books? Emma, jules, the Blackthorns in general...?"

"Well, from what I know, Cristina, Mark and Kieran live in a house between our world and the Unseelie court, Emma and Julian might get married, Dru is in a complivated relationship with Jaime and Kit and Ty are a couple."

"Wow.  So they are good"

"Yeah they seem so"

"Did something happen?"

"What?No! I am just nervous for tommorow. i have never left this institute."

"It will be ok" I say. " Come on, change in pyjamas. We are having a sleepover." I say and she giggles.

When I wake up in the morging next day, it is because of a knock at my door. Aria slept here last night so it is harder to get out of bed now. I get up somehow and I open the door

"Good morning!" Maven says with that puppy smile I adore. I can't help and I kiss him.

"Good morging!"I say with a smile.

" Breakfast is ready. Take Aria and come downstairs. w are leaving after breakfast."

" OK"

I go back and wake Aria up. In 10 minutes we are downstairs, hoping that Maven made pancakes. When we enter the kitchen Catrina and Alina are already there. Catrina became a usual presence here, since she and Alina are together. We eat and then we start saying our goodbyes. Then catrina opens a portal.

The London Institute is not like I imagines it. It is more beautiful. We were teleported in the library and I already told the others that I will sleep here.

"Good afternoon, kids. I am Sophie Verlac and I am the head of the Institute. You may have know my sister, Britany. I am nothing like her. She was a mistake"

I already like her.  I think we all do Then, she shows us to our rooms. Lucly, they are all near the library. After we unpack, she tells us to go downstairs to eat supper.Aparently, the only other person here is Bridget and Sophie's daughter , a 5 Y.O. shadowhunter. sophie told us that her father was killed bya demon.

After dinner, my squad gathers in the library.

"I think this will be great." I say

"Yup. Sophie seems nice" Ronan agrees

" Yeah, but the time here will pass really fast..." Aria cries

"Then lets make the most of it!" Maven says, optimistically

The time really passes fast. each day had a routine, but it was not a boring one. Antrenament, studies, visiting London.  We saw all the place that where worth seeing, and the ones that where not. On out last night here, Roana said that he wants to stay inside, and Aria remained with him. That means that me and Maven go out together.

"What are you going to wear?"Aria says"After all, this could be a date"

"This is not a date" , my cheeks still tourinig red." What are you going to wear?"I snap back.

"Nothing. we will just stay here, maybe playing cards..."


"No, it is nor a date" she says, and then we start pillow fighting.

"Aria, are you coming?" I hear Maven's voice from behind the door.

"Yeah, now" I say.

"Good luck!" Aria says

"Yeah you too" I respond and then we start laughing.

Maven seems kinda serious when I open the door.

"Is thre anything wrong?"

"No, i just wnat us to fo the the only place in lodon that is worth seeing and we did not see."

"Ok. I trust you". Then, he takes my hand and we start walking.

he only place we did not saw in London is the Blackfiars Bridge. 

"Wow. Thsi place is even more beutiful than I thought it would be" he says, sincerey amazed.

"No, not the bridge is beautiful. The view is.And the sky"

"The sky."

"Thsi makes me remember something" I say with a playful smile.

"Yeah, me too" he syas.

Then, he kisses me. It feels like it should happen. This time we are not shy and the kiss quickly becomes like the ones I read in books about. We are  interupted by a fire message. It said

'we know that tomorrow you will return from the Londom Institute and we would like yo tell you that me and Catrina are getting married



" i kinda expected this" I say after I finished reading.

"I saw it coming too." he agrees.

"Let's go back. I need to pack"

" do you really want to go back?'


"Well, then we will  walk the long way to the Institute."

"I do not mind" I say and smile. 

So we walk. And during that walk I tell him the story all me life. It is good to hear it. To see how it changed. But, from now on, it will be the same. i will be surrounded by people i love, family and friends and i will life the life of the book character.

It will be great.

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