Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Journey

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My name's Ken, yeah, the one, the only, Ken Tennyson!

Now that I'm eleven, Dad said he'll give me FIVE more aliens... and he promised  Echo Echo, Humungousaur and  obviously Swampfire. Honestly, I don't really care about the other two. I already know that Alien X, Atomix, and Waybig are off the charts, and for some reason... Feedback too, so there's not really anything for me to look out for.

This is my friend, Devlin,
"sup, what'cha writing on that? that a diary of some sort?"
"C'mon Kenny, There's nothing wrong with that!"
"I know, I know, but it just isn't"
"Then what is it?"
"I dunno, decided I was gonna right down the key parts of my life so I can look back on it in the future and remember all the good times you know?"
"Yeah, smart idea Tennyson, Remembering the good times, a lot of people can learn from you, ya know that?"

People nowadays are too lazy and bored, life's too easy, things have been done before, there's nothing new to explore, nothing to experience, everything is right at your hands. like how Dad would put it: what was the word again? -- privileged.

Honestly, it might be better this way. Dad never really approved of my friendship with Devlin before, but ever since he's joined the Plumbers -- a not so secret organization -- Dad's had more trust in not only Devlin, but even me.

Dad's always said that back in his days, people had more fun. Since everything wasn't just handed to them, it was a HUGE accomplishment to do something little, like I don't know... skydiving... or something.

He said it was only Humans on Earth so he would transform to aliens in secret, and the plumbers were completly secret and hidden, like, NO ONE knew of them! except well of course, the plumbers themselves, and Aunt Gwendolyn.

Dad's spoke a lot about his adventures with Gwendolyn and Grandpa Max, infact, he once told me everyone he knew and loved, DIED! and he made perfect copies of the universe, meaning everyone Dad grew up with is DEAD! so dad made the whole universe! In a way, you could call him... our God!

"Dad! Kenny fed Woofles cat food again!"
ugh it's Gwen, the most annoying brat in the world -- also known as, my sister.
Dad sighed, "Kenny, why did you feed Woofles, cat food?"
"Dog's, Cat's, what's the difference? If it's hungry, it's hungry!"
Dad sat next to me, and let out a sigh, "Ken, you can't just assume running head first into any problem will work out for you at the end of the day, the little details may sometimes matter after all."

Gwen stuck out her tongue

"well it doesn't matter now..." Dad continued, " little Kenny needs those aliens, doesn't he?"

I could hear Gwen's voice in the back "What do you mean it doesn't matter? He fed my dog, food made for... *she shrivels* cats! and you're spoiling him?"

"What's your problem with cats? what did they ever do to you?"
"Ken!" dad seemed frustrated, maybe, dare I say, mildly annoyed...

I stood in silence for a few seconds, and let my head down in sorrow, "sorry dad, could I have the aliens now?"
"Oh alright, I got them ready for you... but... you have done your homework... right??"
"Aww mannn!"

Gwen opened her yap again "ha! eat that dingus!"
"You too Gwen, don't think I forgot your magic homework with miss Charmcaster"
she turns her head at me, flustered, and slowly mouths what seems like: "s. h. u. t."
I shrug and get back to my room, tomorrow's a big day!

End of Chapter 1

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