Chapter 10: Deep Into the Cascan Sea

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"So did you catch Animo?"
"That's besides the point Ken, where were you?"
"D-Dimension 23..?"
"Why were you in Dimension 23?"
"Dad, they needed help, they couldn't beat Kevin like we did!"

Dad looked concern, he sat next to me, like he always does, ugh!
"Listen Kenny, I can't afford to lose you to a dimension that named their GrayMatter "BrainFrog""
"No, that's the problem Dad, YOU NEVER LISTEN!"
I left, I didnt want anything to do with him
"No, Kenny, come back!" I heard his voice slowly dying due to me running as far as I could from him, I jumped out the window and free fell until the omnitrix automatically turned me into stinkfly and broke my fall, he never listened, he never cared, always "Kenny don't do this", "Kenny don't do that"! I'd rather be a bad guy!

"What do you want kid"
"I'm seeking a bounty hunter by the name of Tetrax"
"Tetrax, huh? why's that?"
"I'm bored, I wanna help some people out, it's better than doing homework!"
"What's your name kiddo?"
"Kenny Tennyson"
"The Kenny Tennyson? Son of Ben Tennyson?"
"In the flesh, heh"
he took a close look at me, and pulled down his visor revealing...
"A DiamondHead?"
"Heh, that's what your Daddy called me too!"
"So... you're Tetrax"
"Yup, retired, but... still me!"
"And what are you doing working in a slum coffee shop out of the city?"
"Listen kid, life ain't that fun, plus, I have all the money I ever need, I'm just doing this business to help the community"
"That why there are many jobless people in this place?"
"Fine, you win, what do you want human child?"
"I wanna learn a few things!

He took me took me to some beautiful planet
"So what's this place called?"
"It's called Cascareu"
"That sounds familiar"

I see a few overflow's wearing pirate clothes
"So wanna drop out the boat and go take a swim"
"Yes, but we must get to where the treasure is located first to minimize swim distance"
"Ok boomer"
"what was that? oh and you got any aliens in that thing that can swim?"
"Shellhead can breathe underwater, but I don't really think he can swim"
"Alright could I borrow the watch for a second? I mean... keep it on your hand, but let me access it?"
"Uhh.. sure?"

He seemed a bit suspicious, but Dad said he was an honest guy
"Hey Cascan"
One of them looked at us, and started slowly swimming towards us, it was made of pure gold, had four pumps instead of two, appeared bigger and much stronger, very threatening
"Wow you're so pretty, what's your name lil guy"
He clenched his fists, and looked at me dead in the eyes
"Don't patronize me"
Tetrax looked at me, then to the Cascan
"We are in need of some help"
"And what do I get for helping you?"
Tetrax pulled out his glove and extended his diamond arms, then searched his pockets and pulled out a certain tool that looked really hot but was encased in a box of some sort
"What's that?"
"Diamond's worst friend, it's our kryptonite in a way"
"Is it hot?"
"No, it just... it just looks like that, don't touch the type whatever you do!"
He scraped it on his hand and started screaming in pain, his eyes cried diamonds, and soon enough, he cut off his arm.
"Woah, that's a big emerald, wonder how much that's worth, thanks Petrosapien, what do I owe you"
Tetrax grabbed my omnitrix and pointed it at the Cascan
"Now Kenny, the command is "Scan DNA""
"You wanna scan my DNA?" the Cascan almost looked like he regret it
"You want the diamond or what?"
He looked at my omnitrix and then at the huge crystal
I took a look at the Omnitrix
"Scan DNA"
the omnitrix beeped
"DNA Scanned, Cascan-Alpha has been registered"
"Woah! Cascan Alpha!"
"Now you got a swimming alien, you can probably swim faster with 4 pumps instead of one!"
I look at the Cascan
"Thanks... uh...-"
"Scurve, you can call me Scurve"

After a bit of just sitting on the boat for it to take us to our destination, Tetrax signals me, and we both start swimming. I transform into -- SuperFlow? HydraFlow? yeah that'll do! -- I transform into Hydraflow and start swimming, following Tetrax

"Nice weather we have here, huh?"
Tetrax just sighed and facepalmed, but continued swimming.
"there it is!"
we entered a little hole leading into a cave system, from above we could see octopus like people guarding tons of gold
Tetrax looked at me
"we must be very quiet, and vigilant"
I heared a creak and something grabbed me
"Hey guys"
I let out a loud shriek, but it was nothing since we were underwater... right?
"you idiot"
"Hey, it's not my fault Scurve decided to follow us here and catch me off guard"
Scurve tugged on us
"No time for fighting, they readied their guns"
I quickly hid behind the wall lazers going past where my head used to be
"Watch and learn kid"
Tetrax jumped down and they all started shooting at him, but the lazers bounced off his diamond shield
"Aw man... I'm about to time out"
I timed out but to my surprise I lost balanced and fell over, falling lower and lower, nearing the ground
Scurve jumped off and picked me up at the nick of time, breaking his own fall with a blast of water
"Thanks Scurve, I owe you one"
"I know you do, that's why I'm here"
Tetrax eyed us, and we both realised the guards were knocked down paralyzed
"What are you looking at?"
"We won't share the gold Cascan"
I looked at Tetrax
"I have a name, Petrosapien"
They both looked at me
"He saved my life! Plus, his DNA is one with the watch, so at least we could owe him something, right?"
Tetrax looked at me
"Once a Tennyson, always a Tennyson"
He had more to say
"Wasn't that massive part of me enough?"
Scurve kept quiet and led the way

"So what are we looking for... Scurve?"
"What's your name kiddo"
"Ken, you can call me Kenny"
"Alright Kenken, you see that?"
he pointed to a sort of lever, on the roof
"there's lazers there, but you gotta pull it. I could jetpack up there if I didnt get fried, and your Petrosapien friend here can't go there either 'cause the lazer'll riqochet to us. pick ur alien carefully kiddo"

hmm... the only thing that could work at this point is Sandbox, as anything else will either fry or riqochet the lazers
I transform into Sandbox and slowly raise myself to the lever and click the wall opens up

"Quick thinking kiddo"
I look around
"Woah... what is this place?"
The place was filled with gold, I went closer to touch
"Hey Kenny, you might not wanna do that"
Tetrax runs to me, but too late, I picked up a golden totem
"It's a trap Ken!"
He grabs me at the last second and ducks a huge swinging axe, and the floor collapses, all the gold falling into lava, we start free falling, Tetrax makes a diamond platform under us, but it wont save us, the walls are closing in, the only way out is up.
"Have no fear, Scurve is here!"
Scurve picked Tetrax up and took him out of the hole, Tetrax look down, Scurve began speaking again
"Hey kid, I can't pick more than one person, use that watch of yours"
I started rising with sandbox but the problem was that it was too hot and I turned into glass, ready to shatter by the walls
"Think Kenny, think..."
I timed out, left all alone with the walls close to crush me
I could hear Tetrax, "Can't you go back to save him?"
"The space is too narrow"
"Oh shit, what do I say to Ben?"
the gap was too narrow, my body was crushing, almost dead, no oxygen, no space, I felt my bones shatter, my omnitrix was timed out, but even if it wasnt, there was no way to hit the dial, but somehow, I transformed, without it being charged, or popping up
"What's happening?"
I crushed everything around me, taking the whole wall down, and built a path up, the whole cave system was crushed, but I couldn't breathe underwater, I forgot that part
"Get me to the surface guys!"
"Ken, you're alright!" both of them said worried
"Actually nevermind, I can breathe, but not swim"
I looked under me, obsidian where lava once was
"Why can't you swim?"
"Too heavy, got a lot of matter in me"
"Use it?"
Tetrax was right, why was I so dumb?
"Well we got no treasure... I was hoping to have the totem, which is said to bring a second chance to those who hold it when dying" Scurve looked dissapointed
"Oh right, that was what saved me back down there, I had the totem in my hand"
"Do you still have it?"
"It shattered to bits upon usage"
He was dissapointed
I formed it using all the matter I had
"Here's my gift to you for saving my life, now your life will be saved by me... well, the totem, uhhhh... that sounded better in my head"
We swam to the surface and got on our boat, Tetrax opened a portal
something grabbed my hand
"Uhh... could I come with you guys?"
Scurve looked nervous to say this, but knew it was the only chance he had to say this
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." mumbled Tetrax
"Sure, come with us!"
"Yay, ive explored my planet entirely, there's not much, and since I got the treasure I've always wanted, there's nothing more to do here, also, you guys are my only friends"
I didnt know what to respond with, so I just hugged him instead
"What's the holdup?"
"Coming Petrosapien"
"Just let it go already, I'm sorry for not calling you by your name"
"Ok boomer"
"Fucking kids these days"

End of Chapter 10

Ken 10: Aliens UnexploredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang