Chapter 11: (unfinished)

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"So... where are we going next?"
Tetrax looked at me
"So... the fun's... over..."
"No, but I need rest, and you need to get back home, Ben's probably worried about you"
"Ugh, Dad doesn't care about me the slightest, he doesn't even listen to me, you expect him to be worried?"
"If you really are his son then you should know- whatever, kids, am I right scurve?"
Scurve wasn't paying attention
"Wait what? yeah uhh.. yeah me too!"
He looked at me
"How about you Ken, are you also whatever he said?"
"Scurve your digging yourself deeper"
"I'm hanging out with a bunch of children" said Tetrax
"So Tetrax, since your a bounty hunter, what did you get out of that?"
"Oh I got a few things, oh wait I didn't! but it doesn't matter right? haha get it, matter 'cause Ken can just make anything with that alien, where's the fun?" Tetrax didn't feel well, something was wrong
"Tetrax, you feelin' alright?"
"Yeah... I'm fine"
We reached home and Tetrax went his seperate way, I realised Scurve was still with me
"I can introduce you to my parents if you want"
He shrugged and I almost walked in when I remembered what happened before, I peeked in and could see Mom sitting on the coach and Dad talking on his phone
"So he should be back any moment?"
he waited a few seconds
"Oh you took him on an adventure! I don't know how much to thank you"
I walked in and Mom suddenly ran to me as soon as she saw me and hugged me for a very long 10 seconds
"mmm" my voice was muffled over her not letting me breathe
"Kenny! We missed you so much! you were gone for 6 earth days"
I didnt respond, I just looked at the floor, for a long time, it won't end... is something supposed to happen right now or..-
"Kenny you have some explaining to do"
"Sorry Dad"
"No, don't apologize, answer me. How was Cascan? Did you meet any new Cascan friends". He was smiling, looks like Mom might have had a long talk with him
"Dad, actually... I have! meet Scurve"
"What do you mean me-"
"Hey..." Scurve looked kinda nervous
Everyone just looked at him shocked
"Dad, he's 10 just like me!"
"Oh brother... literally! hehe-"
"Gwen stop the cringe before I throw up"
"Wait so you're telling me Kenny... you're friends with... a Cascan-Alpha?"
Scurve got upset, he bowed in apology
"Sorry Mr. Ben Tennyson Ten Thousand, Hero of Heroes, mayor of Omnitrixville-"
"No I didnt mean it like that, also you can call me Ben"
He looked a bit better and wiped off a tear
"Thank you mister Tennyson"
"Wow Kenny, I've never seen one before, a Cascan-Alpha, it looks amazing! What's your name lil guy?"
"Scurve, my name is Scurve, that's about it, I don't really have... a surname..."
I open my mouth and immediately shut it when he opens his
"You see, I never really met my parents, I was always a loner, and everyone made fun of me because I was different"
"You can always join our family!"
"Are you serious Dad? Two dinguses?"
Scurve's eyes started tearing up
"R-really? You r-really m-m-mean it?"
"Yeah! come give here!"
Scurve hugged Dad with all his might
"Woah there, calm, we don't want me crushed, do we?"
"Oh, sorry... Dad?"
"Don't sweat it Scurve"
"So... What'cha guys find?-"
"Check it out, the totem of undying" Scurve pulled out the totem out of his handbag
"looks kinda ugly though" said Dad

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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