Chapter 41

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A smirk formed on his lips. He could sense it... It was there... In the man's pocket... He just needed to see it~

"Celly!" A slightly high pitched voice called out.

Said male stopped walking and turned toward the voice. To which he was lightly tackled in an oddly soft hug from the black haired twin of his best friend.

"Lucy?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Quickly he started looking around, worry pooling in his gut. "What are you doing out? It's a New Moon."

Lucy giggled happily, his hair oddly covering his left eye... It looked longer than usual too.

"I'm sorry! But I just couldn't stay cooped up inside! I had to find you!" A childish giggle sounded from the more than likely diliraous male.

X sighed softly, lightly putting his arm around the shorter male.

"Then lets get you inside my house... At least it'd be better than out here..."

The shorter male nodded, giggling happily.

Something just... Felt off with Halluciv... And it didn't feel like it was from the New Moon...

Suddenly, the black haired male was shoved from behind.

The blond haired male looked to who it was... To find Lucy?

They were panting, light dew sized drips of sweat on them.

"Fresh." He growled, narrowing his eyes as they shakily formed into shattered moons.

The other Lucy chuckled, their eye glimmering as they moved the hair from their eyes. The left eye was formed into a heart, glowing a bright magenta.

"Got me~ But I got the item~" The King raised the odd ring, its gemstone shining brightly.

Xcellence's eyes widen, a scowl forming on his lips. He was tricked.

The Lunar jumped into action quickly, his weapon drawn. The King slipped the ring onto his finger, the shadows melting into his hand to form a sword, just in time to par the Hunter's strike. Even at their weakest point, they were still ever so strong.

Fresh made a shrill sound, causing the Beasts from the Night to appear. They didn't go for Lucy, they went for Xcellence.

The Solar grumbled to himself as he took out the staff that the Lunar gave to him while his actual weapon was being made.

He was just barely able to take the quick attacks. Yet, he was just as much trouble to them as they were to him.

Even with such a weak weapon in his hands, he was able to use it with ease. Plenty of Beasts fell at his feet, melting and fading into the asphalt and concrete.

His goal was to get to Lucy, who was struggling with the King... The damn King...


With a howl to the sky, the King and the Beasts of the Night fled. They fled with the only item to stop them...

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