-the park-

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I sat in the park, alone, on a Saturday evening, which to say the least, was a bit disappointing.

I was waiting for Ky, who told me he wanted to talk, actually, it was his idea to meet at the park, but as expected, he was late.

I looked up noticing someone had sat down next to me, I got ready to get up and leave but then I realized it was Ky,

"Dude, you're so late"
I said, playfully

"I know, I'm really sorry"
He replied, nervously

"What if I had plans"
I laugh

"Oh please, what were you gonna do, read a book, maybe go to bed early"
He says, laughing

We stop,

in the time that we've been friends, he's probably the only person I could just sit with and that would be enough, we didnt have to talk or do anything, we could just hang out.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, admiring the view of the sunset, this is the kind of situation where I would usually light a cigarette and just exist, there aren't enough calm moments in day to day life anymore, or at least, not as many as there used to be.

I didnt light a cigarette though, because Ky hates the smell of smoke, and more so, that fact that I smoke. I dont quite remember when i picked it up, but it isnt really a habit that's easy to kick.

"Hey, you wanna go to the coffee shop across the road?"
Ky asked

I looked up at him, then across the road, we could probably walk there in a matter of minutes, plus, they had pretty good coffee.

"Yea, that sounds good"

We sat, and drank our coffee and talked. We talked about anything really, whatever was entertaining enough to bring up, by the time we parted ways to go home, I had remembered that Ky wanted to ask me something, but it wasnt important now, and  whatever it was it had obviously made him anxious, and I didnt want that,

so I ignored it.

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